There were no "Good old days". SC Changes (often and drastically)

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Here's my last observation. I also blame the players who want to go back to the same old game even though the old games were boring as fuck, which is why you hear the things like "wanting SC to go back to being SC" or "going back to the good old days" even though SC has gone through drastic change throughout each game.

Then I see people I never heard of saying that the changes to SCV are gimmicky and want the game to go backwards when even less people seriously played the previous games. I think certain things could use some refinement, but I don't want to see the removal of elements that make the game exciting to watch.

Plus there's nothing stopping anyone from just going back and relive the "good old days" besides the fact that no one really wants to seriously go back to these old games.

I want to keep going forward, not backwards. I hope something happens with SCV once the attention is off TTT2, especially now that the game is popular in Japan, and because these other games that are out suck ass. Whatever happens, I just want to have fun playing SC instead of seeing constant walls of bitching and negativity.
i want to see SC5 go back to SC4 cause SC5 is boring to me. If you see someone playing a previous SC game because they think SC5 sux, they are not trying to be negative towards anyone, theyre just saying whats true for them. its just like online, you wont agree with everyone and if you dont like playing with a person then dont. thats why i dont get why complaining about SC5 piss's people off. i dont like SC5 and like/dislike are the reality of everything in life. if SC6 turns out like SC4 then i'll stop complaining and you'll see one happy camper.
I can see both sides. People that have been here a while see enough negative posts disparaging SC5 that it seems like people are joining just to do that. But, I doubt many people go to forums of things they don't like, just to tell the enthusiasts there that they don't like what they're being enthusiasts of. It just starts to feel that way sometimes.
Fun Fact: SF did not always have meter. Fuck Super Turbo.

Meter itself isn't a gimmick so much as a foundation to control gimmicks. In this case, I feel it was put in to control the SC series' number 1 gimmick: Guard Impacts. Mission accomplished I'd say. It feels to me that all the flashy shit like BEs and CEs are kind of a 'well, since we got meter anyway...' sort of thing.
i want to see SC5 go back to SC4 cause SC5 is boring to me. If you see someone playing a previous SC game because they think SC5 sux, they are not trying to be negative towards anyone, theyre just saying whats true for them. its just like online, you wont agree with everyone and if you dont like playing with a person then dont. thats why i dont get why complaining about SC5 piss's people off. i dont like SC5 and like/dislike are the reality of everything in life. if SC6 turns out like SC4 then i'll stop complaining and you'll see one happy camper.
Then go play SCIV. :p
i want to see SC5 go back to SC4 cause SC5 is boring to me. If you see someone playing a previous SC game because they think SC5 sux, they are not trying to be negative towards anyone, theyre just saying whats true for them. its just like online, you wont agree with everyone and if you dont like playing with a person then dont. thats why i dont get why complaining about SC5 piss's people off. i dont like SC5 and like/dislike are the reality of everything in life. if SC6 turns out like SC4 then i'll stop complaining and you'll see one happy camper.

It's pretty simple. If you don't like it, leave, and stop ruining it for people who do.

Participating in every thread with even a slight criticism of any aspect of SC5 brings out the same vultures to trot out their "opinions" which add nothing to discussion. Normally that wouldn't bother me, except many of these people seem to be under the impression that they speak some kind of unwritten truth we all "agree on", or that their opinions, even if uninformed, are the equal to educated or experienced ones.

What worse is, nobody is calling people out on this bullshit.

Many of you want this place to be "nicer". Well a good place to start is not posting if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
It's pretty simple. If you don't like it, leave, and stop ruining it for people who do.

Participating in every thread with even a slight criticism of any aspect of SC5 brings out the same vultures to trot out their "opinions" which add nothing to discussion. Normally that wouldn't bother me, except many of these people seem to be under the impression that they speak some kind of unwritten truth we all "agree on", or that their opinions, even if uninformed, are the equal to educated or experienced ones.

What worse is, nobody is calling people out on this bullshit.

Many of you want this place to be "nicer". Well a good place to start is not posting if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
remember the defecting sc5 thread, that thread was not about speaking an "unwritten truth" that everyone agrees on. it was all about opinions, so what? the problem is your level of self importance. you read the thread name and no one forced you to participate in it. you chose to belittle the opinions of others, you caused the tension on the thread. you just stated again that you think your educated "opinion" trumps the opinions of others. thats called narcissim, look it up.
In theory that works, reality is other, this forum does not allow for a simple question. The whole thing is so tense that if a casual asks something simple he will receive a very harsh answer if the "pro" consideres this an ignorant question.

Then in the other hand, if a pro tries to defend this game, casuals get so butthurt that they will jump out of the chair and attack that user.

This thread is actually a very good reading, from a tournament perspective there is no good old day, actually if there is something near that concept is SCV in the first months, I could call Feb-July the good old days. From a casual side, good old days could be SCIII or SCII where you had almost all your favs.
Couldn´t have said it better.
They should remove!! CE´s in SCVI and if anything only keep brave edges(but i would rather see a new SC without both mechanics) ´Cause I don´t play SF...
BE's arent that bad actually, they're just move hit but still need to be done through a manual combo. They can be vicious when skilled players and (hopefully) Ai use them but take more skill then CEs. The only critique I have for it is they just improve the effects. Rather then that whispy weird aura stuff; they should keep to the classics and make it fire like unblockables but; to diversify it.... make it BLUE fire.
remember the defecting sc5 thread, that thread was not about speaking an "unwritten truth" that everyone agrees on. it was all about opinions, so what? the problem is your level of self importance. you read the thread name and no one forced you to participate in it. you chose to belittle the opinions of others, you caused the tension on the thread. you just stated again that you think your educated "opinion" trumps the opinions of others. thats called narcissim, look it up.

Everyone read this post.

This is whats wrong with 8wr.
Of course it is hard to maintain yourself calm, but come on, it is not like we need get in a argument over anything.
This is a forum, a place where we discuss many aspects of the game, and since there is casuals and hardcores, is one trying to detract the other.
I find really stupid, it is not even like both like the game.
Read it, actually he is quite right. And if a person doesn't agree with you doesn't make it wrong.

People are trying to find a grey area where there isn't one. I never said he was wrong. I said he (and others like him) have opinions which come from misinformation and bias. I am claiming his positions are ignorant. Not that he is "wrong".

People like to hide behind "my opinion can't be wrong." This is crybaby arguing 101. It's worse when that isn't even what's up for discussion.

Also, reality check: opinions aren't equal. They have varying forms of informativeness, background information, and other aspects which make them what they are. If I question the basis for your opinions, you can no longer hide behind them.

So what is happening here is simple. A guy is conflating me attacking his reasoning as attacking him, and is "right to his opinion."
SoS can get a little annoying at times, but he is a good kid. For some days I had to block him cause he wouldn't stop quoting me :P
How about you guys go out and play sports or something. Get away from the computer for once in your life.
Oh yeah, "lol" for the butthurt kids.
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