LOL, man people. They been hacked twice in less then 30 days. I think they have a lot more to worry about then making the service return as fast as possible. With this new hack they now have a whole new amount of data to sift through just to see how they did it. The team that is working on the rebuild will not be able to push out the new service until it is cleared. But over all, I feel bad for Sony. Ya, they shouldn't have taking away other OS, but this is going too far as retaliation for the decision Sony made. Also, if people wanted their otherOS all they had to do is not update the system and keep it off the network.

No security system is full proof. There is no such thing. Every new advancement in security means, a new way to break it. So why are people getting mad at Sony? Because they didn't inform you right away? There a multiple attempts to hack into banks, major companies, and any other largely profitable organizations, yet do you hear anything about it from them? Of course not. Why is this? It is because they need to make sure it has been taking. Like Jaxel said "Also remember that COMPROMISED is not the same as STOLEN. Compromised simply means they could have potentially been stolen, someone got close." Going into a network, and finding the point of entry is a difficult task when you think about the size of the company. Not to mention you need to see what was broking into, then you need to see if anything was taken, then you need to verify if it really has been stolen. With the size of company Sony is, this can take days. Should have they told us a bit sooner, maybe, but then again has anyone really looked at the Blog. They posted something about the service being down on the April 22nd. Now if you think about it, 22-26 is about 4 days. That is about the right amount of time for them to investigate what was taken and what was not. The blog also states that they are investigating the issue. So in other words, they were already trying to figure out what has happened, and what the extent of this intrusion was.

So what does this all mean, simple. Sony is being targeted by a person or persons who are upset with what the company did. If people wanna bitch about it, they they should just help Sony find these fucktards and speed up the process and not try to cash out on the already major loss they have. But that's just me.
Did u get your internet back lol last time I checked you were only online @school, anyway damn psn needs to hurry up i am tired of playing sc on xbox lol, yeah so what's up death
He said he got it back THE DAY all this happened I think. Lol. You're lucky you can even play anything online lol. I'm stuck here with PC games and offline PS3.
He said he got it back THE DAY all this happened I think. Lol. You're lucky you can even play anything online lol. I'm stuck here with PC games and offline PS3.
I hate playing ps3 offline Im not playing mk until the ps3 is back online, I know I'll suck but I like learning on the fly lol, heck w/ sc I was online the same day lol.
I hate playing ps3 offline Im not playing mk until the ps3 is back online, I know I'll suck but I like learning on the fly lol, heck w/ sc I was online the same day lol.
Lol. I've been just practicing in training lately, doing a few challenges here and there, meh. I just want PSN (for the 500th time). GAWWW.... MK online also needs to be fixed, though.
The latest rumors say that there is no clear date for PSN's re-launch except "in May". Hopefully that's not true.

"We discovered that the intruders had planted a file on one of our Sony Online Entertainment servers named “Anonymous” with the words “We are Legion.”."






It's called a social life. Try smoking some weed, or take the time to plan some local games with a scene near you.
PSN being down has had me learn how to play a better hulk in MVC3 and hang out with my comedy club buddies, so even though I would like to game it up its not that bad. I have a tan now.
there you go, Juece, some sun exposure is good for the common gamer nowadays. Still, you better be fuckin' practicing that Soul Calibur IV. Or I'm goin' to make you my class A bitch in Pasadena.
PSN being down is, maybe not the End of the World, but its timing couldn't have been any worse ;).

It being down hasn't really affected my social life, besides the usual Zombie Runs. (BTW, we are all at the Same House, but seperate Screens)

PSN being does has caused me to play League of Legends, Typically from the hours from 11-2 (You know, after Work and Playoffs).

When its up, do not post it hear, Open a New Thread. That way I'll be able to see it quicker and not come in this depressing thread :(.