Do you think it's too late?


[08] Mercenary
Someone said they just started playing Soul Calibur IV yesterday. The game has been out 3 years, do you think is it too late to start learning combos and such? (Just curious since my friend said it was too late to start.)
Oh no. Just find at least three characters you like/are good at. Soul Calibur is not really all that hard to learn, especially IV. Just learn the basics and ignore Critical Finishes since SCV has drastically changed compared to the previous games.
Oh no. Just find at least three characters you like/are good at. Soul Calibur is not really all that hard to learn, especially IV. Just learn the basics and ignore Critical Finishes since SCV has drastically changed compared to the previous games.
Yeah xD I agree.
Its not too late. I mean if you planning on getting SCV but you still wanna play SCIV then go for it. There are returning characters anyway and if the one you learn doesn't return then just learn a new one. That's my opinion anyway.
Someone said they just started playing Soul Calibur IV yesterday. The game has been out 3 years, do you think is it too late to start learning combos and such? (Just curious since my friend said it was too late to start.)

Well no matter the case, no need to be shy. Just ask and we'll help. We may come off a bit blunt, but rest assured we love to help people like you and your friend. Sure many people join the Soul series bandwagon late, but better late than never! Anyways, Pocky Yoshi says hello. Pleased to meet you.
Well no matter the case, no need to be shy. Just ask and we'll help. We may come off a bit blunt, but rest assured we love to help people like you and your friend. Sure many people join the Soul series bandwagon late, but better late than never! Anyways, Pocky Yoshi says hello. Pleased to meet you.

Oh I've been playing for 2 years >.< My friend has played longer, but I have another friend who's thinking about starting.
Playing Guilty Gear for a year means I never have to practice execution for any other game ever. I don't even play GG anymore.

A more relevant example would be that fighters, despite surface system changes, don't really change that much from iteration to iteration. "Starting Fresh" is actually going to hurt your development because the basics are pretty much the same from SC game to SC game. Also, the meta-game for fighters isn't the same as the meta-game for an RTS or a CCG; the basics are always the basics, so "catching up" in that department is easier too; because high level fighting games are all mind-games and not "which bullshit tactic and I running".

Its never too late. Specially with new installations of the series coming out. Not only gameplay mechanisms but even a couple of combos will be translated, so previous knowledge is always beneficial.

Having said that when you have friends who have played the game for a while it can be discouraging since winning becomes a rare occurrence. My advice it to pull through, concentrate on the basics first and keep playing. The execution and combos will eventually be ingrained in your head. I can now pull off iMCF in my sleep, but my first half year I almost quit playing Yoshi because I couldn't for my life do it.
No, it's not to late. We have at least about 6-10 months before SCV comes out. But they should make sure they focus on one character to get half decent with them, it takes years of practice to be perfect with a character.
It will never be too late. V is coming out basically another year, so he/she has time. I'm still playing three and learning more everyday and it's been out since '05.
Oh no. Just find at least three characters you like/are good at. Soul Calibur is not really all that hard to learn, especially IV. Just learn the basics and ignore Critical Finishes since SCV has drastically changed compared to the previous games.

Imo SCIV is the hardest SC-game to master till now.
I don't think it's to late. as previous games have taught us although the command list are changed in each installment of the game they are still relatively similar. Also good timing is a key part of the game and it is never to late to practice that. Also the bigger our SC community becomes the more likely they are to make new SC games in the future. So encourage anybody and everybody to pick it up . :)
It's actually more beneficial if you begin now. You'll learn the basics and combos in a pretty short amount of time if you are willing to put in the practice. Then once SC5 comes out, you won't have to start from ground zero. Sure, the combos might not be the same, but the basics are pretty much going to be the same from what I see.
I actually got IV some time in January this year.
Like everyone else has said before me, it's not too late.
You can at least get used to the basics in time for SCV.
wow. all this V talk is making me think of the movie I'm watching V for Vendetta. now when I see a V I think of that movie.

Anyway, back on on topic. I have a good feeling that there will be some moves and a few combos that will transfer over. Like the administrator said. Players that are used to 3-D fighting games are only transitioning their knowledge from one set of moves to the other. Other than that there isn't a whole lot of tweaking that needs to be done besides a focus on the physics of that particular game. All in all I think your good for SC4 before 5 comes out. Think of it like an appetizer to main course or main course to dessert (which ever one you fancy).