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  • I had so much fun playing SCVI this weekend I wish I met with the top players before leaving.
    Ah ! That is so good, I'm so hype for the game too, can't wait to play it myself. Say, would you mind sharing your thoughts on her on her SA, we haven't heard of a Sophitia player their impressions yet, I'm sure everyone would appreciate it!
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    Reactions: CFW
    I don't mind! I didn't get to do a lot of testing with her and I'm not as knowledgeable when it comes to frames and stuff like that so I'll just give like... surface level opinions if that's okay.
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    Reactions: Ramus
    Much appreciated, all information is welcomed.
    Man, high level Setsuka play is so fun to watch. She has a lot of personality in her moves and it didn't really translate well in V.
    Being rude and argumentative for no reason? I can't relate to that. I don't know what that is
    Anyone know when the SC6 soul arenas will be up?
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    Reactions: Soul
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Probably when the full roster becomes revealed or when the game becomes released.
    That's weird because they didn't wait during scv era
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