The AMAZING SC4 Online General Discussion Thread

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I made a new PSN ID since no one on ranked will play me anymore heh, add me! ooNDK00


I play you in ranked
, you just don't know it. They're pretty good matches, too and we always play a bunch in a row.
Just played online today out of boredom. I am surprised that there still alot of people who have no clue know how to play this game. Today I played so many players that whore Cery move where he jumps in the air and come crashing down. They use this move as if their life depend on it. We'll that enough online for me till SC5.
Just played online today out of boredom. I am surprised that there still alot of people who have no clue know how to play this game. Today I played so many players that whore Cery move where he jumps in the air and come crashing down. They use this move as if their life depend on it. We'll that enough online for me till SC5.

The teleport move is 4B+K. It's easy to sidestep or GI punish. However online the GI part can be a little tricky but it's still sidestepped.

I don't know how well players play on the PSN, but for Xbox live it's either:

A.) Beat the host and his scrub friends. Get kicked.
B.) Lose to lag tactics and be called a scrub. And/or Get kicked.
C.) Beat the host, get kicked and he sends you a message how you "Spammed" even though he did the same thing.
D.) People rage quit near the end of the final match.
E.) You leave after beating the host once you see "Host is modifying session settings".
Just a hunch, but I think Eli knew that already, lol. =P
Don't quote me on it but I think in casuals I landed it on him just because I felt like using it. Used 6A+K in my match against oof just because I thought "if this hits no one will ever let him live it down."
im not sure why the online soul calibur community is so angrey. i main seung mina and people send me fucked up messgaes all the time and im losing to them. if u beat me why do u feel the need to send me a hatemail. its not like im using lag tactics.
im not sure why the online soul calibur community is so angrey. i main seung mina and people send me fucked up messgaes all the time and im losing to them. if u beat me why do u feel the need to send me a hatemail. its not like im using lag tactics.
That's just how it is online in general. People say "Good Games" whenever they beat you and once you start beating them, they call you a "fucking-bitch-ass-lagging-scrub" that "does-the-same-shit-ova-n'-ova". Don't let you it get to you; instead get back at them by posting their hatemail for our amusement. That's what makes online "AMAZING."
im not sure why the online soul calibur community is so angrey. i main seung mina and people send me fucked up messgaes all the time and im losing to them. if u beat me why do u feel the need to send me a hatemail. its not like im using lag tactics.
Play offline bro - 90% of online players suck ass anyway and get pissy soooooo easily.
Going to a session where you can take on decent players, have a good time ( and if you're like me) get pissed out of your skull is a great experience man! =)
Oh rikku you get upset too easily. It's just online so it's nothing to get upset or hungover for.
No need to provoke people, I just lost to a Lag tactic Sophitia 7 minutes ago but I really didn't care about the lost since he or she can only get away with lag tactics online.

If you lose to lag or some other insanely cheap or annoying tactic just quit the game or go on youtube or something. When I get really angry I shut off my 360 and watch some Video game walkthroughs instead of spending an hour arguing with some idiot who thinks 1A is equal to skill.
Ok I'm guessing you are a bit new and obviously didn't understand why I was talking about that scrub. The only reason I post stuff on here is for ppl to laugh with me about those scrubs and in which I'm not mad it's just funny. Also your obvious comments means you are jumping into these threads without reading them. Not to be mean but the ppl on this site know a lot and from your Cervy teleport "advice" it seems you need to do some catching up.
Tonight's a sad night. Apparently all it takes is lots of stepping, twitch-ducking and chip lows to make me completely freeze up. BGs Jonny. Very BGs :'(
Dude almost lost to seung mina a dozen of times. And would only pick yoda against hilde.(READ FIRST POST FROM BOTTOM TO TOP, TWO FOLLOWING POST ARE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM)
Fenris Zero10/27/2011
Oh yeah forgot- Welcome to 8wayrun. We'll get the scrub out of you yet.
Fenris Zero10/27/2011
Nice trys Mr. Sutton. Your Mina needs work. Your Hilde is as expected and needs work. Dude you need to shave btw.

(talking about thenarcissts)
he sore loser and uses lag tactics attacking at disadvantage. no worries
( i asked him why he felt the need to act like this and he says)
not acting im just a cunt :)
( i ask him why he minds when he doing it(overkilling) to everyone, and tryin his best to use lag tactics with sophitia and is still losing to seung mina)
cause ur horrible and havent earned the right

hope u enjoyd that. continue to overkill and i will have my friend kick u
i know you prefer to run away and try to strike from a distance. i was tired of chasing you away. do more fighting and less running.
(he literally was spamming cervantes a+b after whiffing and me blocking lows or even hitting him with my own low, or me trying to grab him or side step and it would hit more times then i feel as though a fair move should. i would shake the stun and have to deal with yet another mix-up. so i told him ggs just cant deal with the spam.) espically with seung's back against the wall or egde..he replys
She has close range attack too, you just don't know how to use she. It's funny how people make excuses for themselves. If you're trash you're trash. You were spamming long range attacks yet you accuse me of spamming.

You were spamming not me. All you did was hit and run to create distance. Your stragety never changed, even though it wasn't working. It I was spamming it was for a good reason. I stragety was working, I beat you 13 times in a row.

Why should I change a stragety that's working, that's stupid. Now you on the other hand should have tried something new because you were getting your ass kicked. That keep away garbage wasn't working bruh.

( i just felt the need to assure him that when i said spamming i didnt mean that in a negative your not a good player way. so i apologized.)
The word "spamming" is an insult. In fact I've never heard it used as a complement. But apology accepted. GGS.
Apathetic Eyes10/13/2011
(after beating the shit outta him in a seung mina mirrior match which ended in him being criticaled finished he kicks me. I ask him what did i do wrong he says)
its what u didnt do come back when u understand the game until then lose my GT
Apathetic Eyes10/13/2011
( what are u talking about i beat you fair and square)
beat is not the word like i said come back when you know how to play
Apathetic Eyes10/13/2011
nah i wouldnt say that. read the manual then come se e me


spam AND ovekill lmao get a life ur not even fun

you should change your gamertag to lowattacker

EL GUERRAZO10/13/2011
eres idiota

(beat his amy with seung mina and then i lost afterward he waited till my turn again in a full 4 player lobby to kick me so i asked why wait till it was my turn again he replys)
cuz its funnier ^.^
SDS RicenBeans10/11/2011
( i leave the lobby after losing to lizardman and i get)
run lol ugly fuck
Ok I'm guessing you are a bit new and obviously didn't understand why I was talking about that scrub. The only reason I post stuff on here is for ppl to laugh with me about those scrubs and in which I'm not mad it's just funny. Also your obvious comments means you are jumping into these threads without reading them. Not to be mean but the ppl on this site know a lot and from your Cervy teleport "advice" it seems you need to do some catching up.

What the hell is your problem? Obviously I'm not the only one who feels you should calm down. No I'm not new nor do I see the reason for you to post Hate messages AFTER you baited them. If anything You're the Troll here not him. He reacted like any HUMAN would react to being sent messages.

I do read these threads and how was I supposed to know Eli was being sarcastic. It's near impossible to tell human emotions over a computer screen.

Can you stop posting these inane Trolling messages and actually post something useful? Nobody here is sympathizing with you if you send people hate messages just because you lost. For all we know YOU could be using lag tactics yourself.
Somehow I didn't even feel much laughter coming from these hatemail, Alex. And most times I would laugh and shrug it off. But this time, I just felt extremely irritated and peeved for my own reasons. Sorry Alex, but the nicest thing I can say is don't respond to people "bent on winning and making feel like you're the one at fault". Save yourself the headache and keep doing you. Trust me, I've been in the same shoes as you.

@shadowcollector. PMs.
Well to be fair, you are kind of new. Joined August 2nd? It's ok that you don't know who has a big name yet.

There also used to be a Hatemail thread FYI. I suppose that was deleted to make the site look better. I really miss that thread, but the hate mail that gets posted here lately isn't really funny. More like plain mean spirited.

Static always got the best hate mails.

Miadectity (or however you spell his name) always sent the best hate mails.
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