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  • Well my PS3 can't read disks anymore. No more SCV, it seems. Now I have even more reason to look forward to SoulCalibur VI
    I thought about it, but should I spend $20 on a game I already had for 6 years, now that the sequel was announced?
    If you genuinely love the game, why not?
    Also the game will live on beyond SC6, especially considering it has good netcode. People will still play it now and then (myself included, especially if Damp is not in 6). Heck I logged on a little while ago and people still play SCIV online. Plus it's $20 to make your PS3 somewhat useful again.
    Crash X
    Crash X
    I got my digital copy of V on 360 for $15 so I think it’s about the same on PS3 as well. Then again I haven’t touched that version in years since my PS3 broke lol.
    Due to an injury to my left thumb, I cant play this game effectively anymore. 236s and double directional taps are a pain and I cant CE.
    Party Wolf
    Party Wolf
    Have you thought about purchasing a hitbox? It works like a keyboard
    That was literally what I came here to say. A hitbox may very well be what you need if you thumb is the issue.
    The thing is the hitbox costs $200. I probably won't spend that much money on a device for a 4-year-old game I might come around to play.
    I didn't think Streetfighter V would end up like SCV, being catered towards the hardcore market at the expense of casual content
    Trust me. If SCV started like SFV started out with that RANKED MATCH mess, the SC community would have been in a MUCH WORST position than EVER in the community's history.
    After over 3 years, I'm tired of SCV, even the creation. I have no motivation anymore, so it's time to move on. This soul is extinguished.
    Hey REPRO. Congratulations on getting your capture card. The best quality you can get for it is if you have it hooked to your computer as it's hooked to your system. Download the capture program from the Hauppauge website. I'm sorry I couldn't PSN message you but I can't seem to log in at this time. If you have anymore questions, just let me know.
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    The lag on it is rather annoying, though. I don't mind the 3-sec delay between the game and what shows up on the computer, but the program lags when there's activity on the computer screen
    Then there's those pixalations...
    Yeah. I'm sorry to say. But that's pretty much the downside. I would have mentioned it but I didn't think it would be something you would come across because my computer isn't that good as many others. You have to make it into a single event when recording. But it doesn't lag when you play the videos that you've recorded. Still it's great quality and I'm able to look pass those minor interferences.
    Online's gotten worse yet again. Too many players with bad attitudes
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    Too many immature manchildren, failed abortions, and whiny stanks. (don't take it literary.)
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Been dealing with folks like these for 3 years in the XBL side of SCV Reppy. It's becoming a sad place nowadays
    Online's gotten worse. I've never seen so many ragequitters or ppl complaining over spam.
    lol I see I'm not the only who sees this...went into ranked 2 days ago within 20 mins I had up to 4 ragequitters
    Ranking is been dead the moment I stopped playing. ^_^
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Try getting booted out of a room for only winning with "2 combos" lol. People will do anything to justify their ragequits and room kicking.
    Did you want to go to a casual in Baltimore on August 23rd? Also, I have a connect that actually was willing to have casual sessions at his place in Eldersburg, MD. I don't know all the details but I thought I'd help spreading some news in case something happens.
    "I was their most devoted warrior. A champion of light. But I fell. Fell into darkness, and now... I am feared as the Prince of Darkness."
    It's ironic how you always see yourself as "a nice guy," until you realize you were really an asshole all along
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    People are always hypocrites... It's the ability to see yourself as a hypocrite that makes you better than the pack...

    Most people do thins and condemn others for acting like themselves, that's why I like being an asshole to assholes.. Because they don't like it, in theory they dislike it when people act like themselves but fail to see how they act to others.... -__-;
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