[Aug 24, 2012] EBO (East Brandenburg Open) (Wriezen, Brandenburg)

Cutting it into a 50:50 reset is not. Much less against a character who can break it even if you guess they stand. This is SCIV Algol all over again:
I can't be bothered to learn how to defend against this stuff. BAN PLZ.

Ban the reset because you can't distinguish between a garunteed and none garunteed throw. But do NOT against characters who can break any backgrab as it is NEVER garunteed.

Man up for goodness sake. The games damage is broken anyway, deal with it.
Hello everyone :) Despite having no chances to achieve, well, anything at EBO, I am considering attending this tournament :) After all I am older and older every year so maybe this is last chance to participate in such event ;) So I have few questions related to hotel:
  1. Are there still free rooms?
  2. Is is the same hotel that me and Ring were sleeping in two years ago?
  3. If not - what kind of hotel is it? Is the "standard" same? Is it close? I mean this room 2 years ago was really clean and close to place where EBO was played etc. It was generally cool :)
  4. If I would be "alone" (as far as I know Ring and Di are at the moment not interested in paying extra for room) would I have room only for myself or someone would be added to my room to not waste any beds? For example someone telling me "OK PePe, you are sleeping with Kalas" ^^
  5. The price (for all) using paypal would be 56.52€. Am I right?
Best Regards,
Hello everyone :) Despite having no chances to achieve, well, anything at EBO, I am considering attending this tournament :) After all I am older and older every year so maybe this is last chance to participate in such event ;) So I have few questions related to hotel:
  1. Are there still free rooms?
  2. Is is the same hotel that me and Ring were sleeping in two years ago?
  3. If not - what kind of hotel is it? Is the "standard" same? Is it close? I mean this room 2 years ago was really clean and close to place where EBO was played etc. It was generally cool :)
  4. If I would be "alone" (as far as I know Ring and Di are at the moment not interested in paying extra for room) would I have room only for myself or someone would be added to my room to not waste any beds? For example some is telling me "OK PePe, you are sleeping with Kalas ^^" Joke ^^
  5. The price (for all) using paypal would be 56.52€. Am I right?
Best Regards,


1. Yes
2. Yes
3. See 3)
4. I think you only pay your share, even when the room is not full. 17,5 Euro per night.
5. No fucking idea. See here: http://www.ger-calibur.de/index.php?threads/teilnahmebedingungen-e-b-o-2012.1079/

So its 20,12 Euro for EBO + the hotel which is up to you.
Well there was posted something like this:
1 Person:
2 Übernachtungen: 35.00€ + 20,12€(Teilnahmegebühr) +1,40€(Paypalgebühr) = 56.52€
Well there was posted something like this:
1 Person:
2 Übernachtungen: 35.00€ + 20,12€(Teilnahmegebühr) +1,40€(Paypalgebühr) = 56.52€

2 Übernachtungen means 2 nights. One night is 17,50€. Teilnahmegebühr means attendance fee.
So if you want to stay two nights at the hotel (e.g. from Friday-Saturday, Saturday-Sunday), you will have to pay 56,52€.
It is explained in the first post of this thread, too.
Yeah, but I just wanted to be sure, how much should I pay via PayPal if I decide to attend. I think that last time I was paying via paypal only for EBO, and for hotel in other way (cash?). But I do not remember for sure... BTW what about other players? Will be there more "normal" German players ?? I want to win at least few rounds xD
When will my name be added in the OP?
Than I'm positive money arrived correctly so I can pay for le bus.
I think that last time I was paying via paypal only for EBO, and for hotel in other way (cash?).
Yeah, thats right.
You can (if you want) pay cash in the hotel but then must you book alone a hotel.

WhYYZ --> you are pre-registered
spyder is registered
Another notice of the GODs:

For those of you who would like to arrive at thursday (23th):
You CANNOT, I repeat, you CANNOT stay the night from thursday-friday at the venue for free! The venue is not available before friday (24th). I know it has never been mentioned otherwise, but I think some people expected this maybe. This decision has not been made by the GODs. They "reserved" the venue for 24th-26th and it is therefore impossible to open at the 23th due to other activities there.
This means (and this goes especially to Ring and other Polish players who told me this): If you still want to arrive at thursday, you CANNOT go/stay/sleep/play at the venue. So you have to book a hotel room for at least one night. Or you arrive at the 24th.

If there is a very special urgency for a free need to stay, because you have already booked and will arrive at thursday and have no money left (15€) for one night: Contact G.O.D.Mistmöhre yourself via PM here. MAYBE he can organise something, but this is not sure and only for urgent exceptions.

Please note this! Venue will not be available before friday.
And BAM another notice by the GODs:

The gods have noticed that until now, a lot of the players who payed via Paypal have not payed the additional amount of money that covers the Paypal fee (something like 1,50€). If you forget to add this fee, the GODs will logically receive a little less money and the 20,12€ have been calculated to the absolute limit.

So please DON'T FORGET to add the money for the Paypal fee. Thanks.

Also, the following players are registered:

Matt-JF (w/ 3 nights)
Crescent Moon
WhYYZ (w/ 3 nights)
BTW what about other players? Will be there more "normal" German players ?? I want to win at least few rounds xD

I will attend, too! :D
Gotta support the game, the passion and all those nice people, that also visited our little tournament for SC4 <3
Trying to muster up some more real training-time before EBO, so it doesn't get too boring for my opponents, but i guess i'm more 'normal', hehe :P
Another notice of the GODs:

For those of you who would like to arrive at thursday (23th):
You CANNOT, I repeat, you CANNOT stay the night from thursday-friday at the venue for free! The venue is not available before friday (24th). I know it has never been mentioned otherwise, but I think some people expected this maybe. This decision has not been made by the GODs. They "reserved" the venue for 24th-26th and it is therefore impossible to open at the 23th due to other activities there.
This means (and this goes especially to Ring and other Polish players who told me this): If you still want to arrive at thursday, you CANNOT go/stay/sleep/play at the venue. So you have to book a hotel room for at least one night. Or you arrive at the 24th.

If there is a very special urgency for a free need to stay, because you have already booked and will arrive at thursday and have no money left (15€) for one night: Contact G.O.D.Mistmöhre yourself via PM here. MAYBE he can organise something, but this is not sure and only for urgent exceptions.

Please note this! Venue will not be available before friday.
Yeah, I've read about it yesterday on the German forum. This basically means there's no point of going to Wriezen on the 23th. Since Berlin is only 60km from Wriezen, do you think maybe someone who lives there could let us stay at their place for one night? We will most likely come by a car this year, in a group of 5,but I'm not 100% sure yet.
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