Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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Not to interrupt the arcade discussion but I was thinking of the guest character thing, I really hope there isn't a ridiculous amount of them, Imo 1 - 2 guest characters would be a good amount for the game, Maybe I'm just saying this from the perspective of a MK fan but MKX was insane in this regard. Not only did they cut out lots of actual MK characters to have guests at launch but when they started releasing dlc 4 out of the 8 dlc characters were guest characters, That's way to many in my opinion especially since there was still main MK characters that weren't in that then didn't get in because they were to busy adding guest characters.
Considering that the roster is less than 30 characters, I think we will get at best 2, actually. SC's roster is smaller than Tekken and MKX, so it makes sense that those games have more guests as well (even though there were way too many guests in MKX).

Also, Soul Calibur 1, 2 and 3 didn't exactly exist in a world where things could be easily patched out like they can be now. Fuck an arcade release, tbh. I'd rather test the game out myself and contribute to the process of finding bugs then let those stoners at the arcade do it.
Exactly, I forgot to mention that. Older games did not have the benefit of patches.

I implore you to literally name a single game that has hit the shelves with not one bug. Aaaaannnnnnnnnd gooooooooooo.....
Yeah, thats not to mention there are two types of bugs: the bugs that appear all the time out of nowhere, and the bugs which you must make an absurd effort to make happen. All games have the latter, but only poorly tested games will have the former. If SC6 took this many years to release, and considering that it has to make up for the mess that was SC5, I doubt they will make the mistake of not testing the game.
Eh, I'd love an arcade release. I'm in no hurry to play the game and I'd rather it be in the best shape possible at release.
And how does an arcade release help with the game's shape at release? We live in a modern world, people, we can patch stuff, and if we have competent developers, we won't even need to rush any patches for that, because the game will be at good shape regardless.
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With the news that ring outs are back, am i the only one who hopes they also bring back the option for infinite health? Used to have some pretty epic battles trying to force each other off the stage, was a nice way to shake up the gameplay from time to time. I don't think it' been a feature since SC2
Given this series' track record, I don't trust the developers to release the game in balanced way. Even after patches SCIV and V weren't amazingly balanced and I wouldn't be surprised if Namco drops support for this game just as quick as the last two. If an arcade release gives them time to see the really dumb shit as well as add the single player modes that have been absent for the last two releases then I'm all for it. Yes it would be amazing if we had tons of content and a well balanced game off the bat I don't see it happening given not only what the last two games have shown us, but Japanese fighting game releases in general.
Eh, I'd love an arcade release. I'm in no hurry to play the game and I'd rather it be in the best shape possible at release.

An Arcade release is still a release. If anything I think that it's more conducive to achieving better polish to do a home release first. In Japan there are about 5000 actual registered arcades with an additional 9000 places that have machines. Tekken 7 sold 2 million copies. Even if each arcade had a whopping 10 Tekken 7 arcade cabinets, that's still only 180,000 out there being played sporadically by random arcade stoners. More bugs will turn up when 2,000,000 play a game versus the previously mentioned number. Not only that, a console release could introduce new bugs as each version of the game will be set into different system architecture.

Consoles and PC also have better tools for documenting this kind of stuff and making sure that Bamco gets to see it.

Given this series' track record, I don't trust the developers to release the game in balanced way. Even after patches SCIV and V weren't amazingly balanced and I wouldn't be surprised if Namco drops support for this game just as quick as the last two. If an arcade release gives them time to see the really dumb shit as well as add the single player modes that have been absent for the last two releases then I'm all for it. Yes it would be amazing if we had tons of content and a well balanced game off the bat I don't see it happening given not only what the last two games have shown us, but Japanese fighting game releases in general.

You say that, but look at the continuing support that Tekken 7 is receiving. That game as received 9 patches since release, and each one has brought a noticeable improvement to the game. The matchmaking menu was trash, people complained, it got fixed. (It's still not perfect but Bamco has readily demonstrated that they are willing to do the work here). Your cynicism towards this franchise is astounding. What needs to be done to make you happy?
I can understand the reasoning behind an arcade release but SC6 has been in development for the past 3 years. I would think they're taking time to make sure everything is as polished as it can be on release day.

Seriously, I will set fire to the rain if we have to wait an even longer wait. 2018 is soul calibur's year.
WTF? Why would you not want an arcade release?

There's a damn good reason that the SoulCalibur games with the most polished gameplay (SC1 and SC2) started out in arcades. Those games were basically beta tested by arcade players while Namco developed more content for the console release. You could say that the great console ports we eventually got were partially funded by arcades. Since abandoning their arcade-first release policy, every SoulCalibur game has released buggy or imbalanced.

Is your only argument "but I want the game sooner!"? Well, SC2 had only 16 characters in arcades and no one cared. Yesterday people were flipping out over the possibility of SC6 only have 20 characters. Arcade releases can be barebones and still be successful.

But don't worry. It won't get an arcade release because the series isn't popular enough in Japan. And I'm sure SC6 will be buggy/imbalanced and will need some patches. Hooray?
Just as somebody said:
We don't need an Arcade version to balance or to prepare for a worldwide console release.
Nowdays it is much easier to bring the game out as a Console version, getting much more feedback, and updating it (and getting money earlier >.>)
Shakeable stuns add nothing to the gameplay other than being an unintuitive knowledge gate that breaks sticks faster.

I mean, let’s have stuns, in differing varieties, but not, “some are shakeable and some are not.” Also ten inputs with online lag sounds like nothing but frustration.

And eff that shniznoz to an arcade release before a console release. Arcades are dead, get over it. (Save a few Asian/Asian inspired hold outs)
This is how Tekken 7 looked at first reveal:




And this is how it looks now:



Namco usually minimize few graphics aspects during early preview builds, especially the lighting so the game can run smoothly without FPS drop (super important in a fighting game). Just by adding/removing lighting it make a huge graphics/look difference as you ca see, especially with games using UE4. SFV as well looked way better when it was close to release compare to the first reveal (using the UE4 as well)

I still remember when everyone were saying Tekken 7 graphics were bad, TTT2 looked better and cie, and now all those are praising T7 to be the best looking Fighting game nowadays (which i agree with as well).

Are you seriously making this comparison? How many years between Tekken 7's initial reveal and when they improved the graphics in Tekken 7 FR? Meanwhile Soul Calibur 6 is releasing in a year, possibly less considering they've said it's 70% complete.

You're not gonna see a Tekken 7 FR upgrade here, maybe small improvements here and there, and only when people would actually voice their dissatisfaction to the devs, instead of the inert "don't worry gaiz its EARLY, they WILL upgrade the grafix" rhetoric

Same thing happened with Tekken 7 when a few people pointed out how terrible the hair looked, they got shut down by the "They will fix it, stop complaining!" crowd. Well, guess what, they didn't... And they still seem to be using the same tech in SCVI... Unless you take to Okubo's Twitter and complaining about it, they won't fix anything.
You know what? Fuck guest characters, I want only my beloved Soul Calibur characters like in SC3

For real, I got a lot more enjoyment out of III's full cast and bunch of bonus characters than I ever have out of a guest. But I suppose I'm already a fan of the series, so I don't need much extra to draw me in.

Guests as DLCs are "acceptable"

Kind of. I don't like it when they're putting effort into one-off guest characters while classic staples are still missing. That's part of the reason I haven't had any interest in Tekken 7's post-launch content.
Hmm Soul Calibur 1 had 18 characters (without Inferno), so if it's REAL that we gonna have 20 chars in 6 - All chars from SC1 are gonna be there plus 2 new characters... but I hope for more new characters and return of Zasalamel, Talim, Raphael, ZWEI, Amy, Tira and Setsuka
I just want all xD
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