Less-used Yoshi Moves


[08] Mercenary
Hello, Im new to the forum, but been looking at this site for a while. Im wondering about moves like 3B+K, 3A+B the kinda secondary moves. Are they useless or do they work in some situations. I think everybody knows Yoshi B+B moves, Combos, which moves have good frame data. What about some cool strings that can fool people sometimes. Maybe stuff u do when you play casually. I like to take risks when I play.
re: Hello, Im new to the forum, but been looking at this site for a while. Im wondering about moves like 3B+K....

i use that combo all the time online however i use 3b+k,k ...the second sword gets them most the time and if they block the first and attack at the second one...you will hit them and bounce them in the air
9b+k variations are nice, 9a is pretty decent although it doesnt knockdown. some of the things i like to do is out of flea i will cancel and throw. or just throw for the extra damage.
how do you do that one move where Yoshi kinda runs away really quickly.. I only ever see it done after the match is over.. but it seems to me like it would be such an awesome move for messing with your opponents head.
Least used Yoshi move? Anything out of SDRG and Possession Fist. (Though I use possesion fist a LOT)
There are few, if any combos that justify using 3B+K:B over other options (unless you're going for show). =( I don't think there's really a good reason to use it outside of a combo. But, every Yoshi is different.

3A+B can be used as a ranged punisher and sets up wall combos (3A+B, iMCF). I'm sure some Yoshi out there has made it a part of their game.

Other moves that see little or no love:
11B - Useless, imo.
8A - Has its uses, despite seeing little or no use. Can RO, safe, and nice adv on hit.
3a+bG cancles into running a good distance into reflection stance.

Gets a good bit of downtime between going into reflection and using a move though.

Just enoguh time to get off A+B lol.
[A+B]K is a love of mine :)
11A...i hardly ever see any yoshi using this, but i love it...it may not look like it, but it's TC
I still think Yoshi has optional control in a fight no matter what. Meditation 2 A+B is great for range whores (Ivy, Kilik, Asta). I rarely see it even though I use it alot. I actually believe 11B can get you in deeper to those range whores for a good crouching 3K. Meh all people play differently I guess. b:A is awesome I don't care what anybody says. That is the sexiest way to win a match by Kenshin Superior Sexy Slashing them
11b does make yoshi retreat just a little kinda like a retreating then advancing poke. I actually whiffed a vertical attack because of that retreat lol!
Least used Yoshi move? Anything out of SDRG and Possession Fist. (Though I use possesion fist a LOT)

Anything out of SDGF? Mix-ups between SDGF A, B, and (2)B+K aren't to be used regularly. But they are used just enough. Especially SDGF B. It's incredibly safe for an unblockable and can net you easy big dmg. A staple combo ex. would be SDGF B, 2[A+B]66. Up to 75-80 NH 85-90 on CH. SDGF is a solid part of Yoshi's mix-up game. You'd be missing out on a lot not to use it.
Next time a make a thread ill be more specific, ill just ask uses for a specific move. I like 3A+B its cool, i like the noise Yoshi makes and it seems kinda insulting to run them over. Maybe it would throw someone off thier game. After 6A on hit i sometimes try 3A+B. Is that a good time to throw out that move?
I can think of a few moves that at least in my eyes seem very rarely used.

Super Dragonfly B+K. Very Hard to get this to hit and I have only managed to successfully use it against my brother once.......good damage though......naturally the response was "wtf was that!?!?'. Goes into Pogo stance. Unblockable.

Super Dragonfly 2B+K. Another unblockable. This move is quite awesome when pulled off and does close to 70damage providing your enemy is directly beneath you (Very rarely happens lol).

Reflection A+B. I have no Idea what this does. what "Divine Truth" does Yoshi learn from this lol. plz tell

Intimidation K. I personally find this useless and never use it

236B. lol i love this move and I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside me when I hit with it (rarely).

Meditation 2A+K. Do I need to explain this one?

well thats all I can be bothered thinking of for now. And whats with the 9A hate....thats an awesome move.
Ref A+B is a reversal of sorts. IF opponent attacks with an A, B or K move, then Yoshi can press A, B or K, and reverse it, and he'll do a weird jumping in the air to landing UB. He can jf that UB on landing to get a heal but allbody GI like SDGF K:K

INT K, is useful if u use INT a lot, cuz INT K is a quick, horizontal K with decent hs, and decent bs. It's important when ppl poke you out of INT and you thin INT A is slow. People normally stand there bewildered though.