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  • Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    Hey man I hear you gots a nasty Maxi. I have a nice one myself and I'd like to see where I stand compared to some other Maxipros. If you got XBL we should play sometime. GT: The Inexistent
    So Im taking Maxi to Final Round next weekend... Any advice on what to work on hard this weekend? Im thinking punishment and guard breaking... Ive been wondering what moves are good to step after on block? 2A? 66A? 33/99K? Also what moves do you find are best to set up the aGI with ? I like 33B, B,B, and A,A. 2A on hit into 6A+B(BE),LI K 2A ( Usually hits again ) into 6A+B is a little guard break string I do...
    I usually go for gold when i'm adv. Like say they block LI K, i will try to outthink them with major dmg opportunities. Say i will step to their right and instantly go for throw so I can evade a potential attack and land it if they turtle. Or I would do 6A+B BE there again vs fast highs or 1K for chip dmg (if in range). It interrupts most times just like 2A.
    Use 3K and 2B a lot, especially 2B. It's TC is fast, and has more range than 6A+B. Works well after quick pokes like 1B hit and single As.
    Use 22K series vs mid range in wakeup eg 6A+B on hit.
    Use FC 3A series often.
    1A is safe vs everyone except greeks (no adv on hit though but remember WS B+K)
    Use 6A and 6AG often. 6AG on hit gives adv still.
    And finally watch your spacing at all times.
    Spacing is where I shine! Thanks I think all this info is exactly what I needed... I will polish it up and get it ready for next week!
    Im trying to put together the combo list in the maxi thread. Is it customary to give credit to the person that came up with the combo? Or does that just inflate egos?
    Just say thanks to everyone, no need for the individual business, cuz most combos were discovered by everyone almost instantly
    Also don't forget 4A+B dash foward 6A+B -> etc and his NC and NCc
    Yo JB remember me? Long time no see. :)
    of course i do :) welcome back
    Thanks. Playing back Yoshi? Or changing?
    Will get to Yoshi soon enough :) I'm all up on Maxi's nuts right now heh heh. Yoshi has been simplified, but has some interesting bits I think. He's not as flamboyant for sure.
    LoL I hit the 33A+B tech trap off of 9A+B,G tonight... Got it on video, it was online but still it looks beefy :)
    What up Mr. Blaze. Still mess with Yoshi any? Shame I never saw a video from you with him
    Yoshi's problems are minor in comparison. Yoshi is complexed indeed but albeit but he is a far better character overall. The lower tiers are more fun in this game for me for some reason
    Yoshi is not high tier... LoL :)
    sure he isn't :)
    Just wanted to say i've had a serious mancrush on you since the Guard impact days. :) Love your feedback on the maxi forums man, thanks for all your hard work
    i understand you live in a foeign country (other than the us) But im dyeing to play your maxi. think weve had this conversation before but, im xbl with the same name. Even if its laggy, itd be worth at least seeing ya!
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