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  • Regard your sticky combo thread, why isn't 3B listed after 214A, DNK? I'm absolutely sure 3B is a hit after 214A, DNK.
    I don't like how flashy this "premium member" title shit is on my account. How can I make it casual and normal like yours?
    You'll want to contact a senior mod, such as BrewtusBibulus.
    Yoshi is back. Grace us once again with your knowledge, Hajime-sensei. xD

    I'm not posting any more threads because I don't have enough knowledge yet.

    So for now, I hope you don't mind the discussion and vids thread I posted to get this show on the road.
    The threads for now are fine. Just don't go too out of control, Mr. Pocky. =)
    Thanks Haji. I hope to spar with you offline one day. I'll do my best to contribute.
    hey there, it's sunday night. could you spot some hints at yoshi at that event? was it you who created the SCV yoshi SA?
    The event hasn't happened. I have mod powers only within the Yoshi SCIV forum. I'm not sure who created it, but Yoshi being in the game is just speculation for now, unfortunately.
    Sorry, but we already have enough mods on the site. Considering we see maybe a few posts on a good week in the Yoshi forum, maybe we have too many mods! Be sure to get involved when SCV comes out and maybe you'll be able to contribute some good stuff to the community.
    just pray 4 yoshi confirmation
    Hey Hajime, I have question (silly one),can you read/write Japanese?If yes, could you help me to translate a few words to Japanese?(I don't trust google translator, lol) I'm making a website and one of the things I intend to make is a rollover effect on links (they appear in english and then change to japanese when you roll over them with mouse cursor etc)I really don't anyone else who should I turn to for help haha
    RIng. Sure, buddy. Just message me. You can view Japanese characters, right?
    Yep, I can. Thanks for your help! I will PM you within the next two days with the words I need to translate :)
    Did u see my vid against Krayzie in Yoshi web theatre? Lol
    I must've missed it. I'll hunt it down.
    That's pretty random. What do you mean by "matches"?
    I wanna play u sry. just 4 fun man!
    My XBL account is shutdown until I move to Japan. If I reactivate it, I'll let you know.
    This may be totally random...but:

    This may sound so stupid cause its totally obvious, but I never knew you were an asian guy. I always picture you as a preppy white guy...LOL, sorry...its funny to me

    Dont feel bad...I didnt know SU was black!!

    just trying to brighten the day

    Thanks for advices, Hajime! My friends now could enjoy iMCF juggle ringouts from the middle of some stages. Enemy butthurt summoning option. ^^
    Hey there, i wanted to ask one thing about Yoshi`s 3b starter juggle. Unfortunatelly, i am not sure that my english good enough and i completely understood things in combo thread. I ve seen a lot of videos, where Yoshi do iMCF, 22b, 3a, b, and then, after launching an opponent there is a movie, which looking like 44b, b (unblockable cancel) which pushes vicitim on one more step forward in air and with following a:B+K, A could be a great RO game thing. Couldnt you tell me how to input this ?
    P.S. Sorry for private abuse! I am the one of a few players in my town (and country actually^^), which somehow managed to survive and kept small community. Probably it explains our lack of experience.
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