Giving Jokes A Reality Check (Again)

"Pay attention scc, this is the skill level of a rugi that's been inactive for about a month 1/2." moron. :|
too bad siegfried sucks now.
LoL why so many haters in this community? 216 is right man yall should ease up off it sometime (although I will admit that for some reason when Jimbo calls people "faggots" I find it funnier than when others do.... not sure why though).
Is this garbage really 38 minutes?
youre really good at the sustaining to be a punch line thing, keep up the good work faggot
is it weird that when that AV window popped up, I actually tried to close it with my mouse?
0:00 got invited, told him he was a waste of time.
Huge gap
10:20 I get messaged by this joker instead.
13:30 No one is on.
14:00 Hes asking for it.
15:00 AQI is a joke!
17:10 Never happened... let's see him do it then.
24:10 RIP Thaddeus
28:50 RIP QP, what no RQ???
30:13 That whiff tho
31:10 Is that you BB?
36:10 RIP Thaddeus main = extra rekt
37:45 STFU.


Oct 2, 2014 at 6:01 AM
Posted by Vile_Death_Wave
Sir Thad + Winged Pirate, yall ain't funny (full scene) -- Watch live at

After nearly 2 months of trying to stay away from SCV, I met some familiar names and then was invited to garbage. That only cares if you 3-0 them in a match. Don't waste my time and get yourselves exposed, or perfected.

-- You guys are jokes. A lobby full of jokes.

Pay attention scc, this is the skill level of a rugi that's been inactive for about a month 1/2.
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