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  • I’m making my return to SoulCalibur, a month from now on the PlayStation Network. Just need a two and a half week rehab so I can get my playing chops back online.
    I could return to play SCVI weeks from now, but I have a question. Does this game have more players on the PSN than Steam?
    I'm off streaming until further notice; I need to overcome some personal problems. I'll return until get that resolved. I will be working on my WordPress page just to keep my mind fresh - - if I return.
    I'm sitting out for the rest of 2020. My overall health isn't in the right place.
    I’ll try to stream next week. Hopefully, by that time, I’ll try to learn how to play with three characters rather than a multitude.
    My 1st stream of SCVI has been canceled for today; I’ll try to get one in by next week.
    Planning on making a SCVI stream this coming October. Go to twitch.tv/CjHN2X for more information.
    I’m also running my final test stream before October comes.
    Why Amy Sorel?!! I can't believe Okubo chose her to be the next DLC over Cassandra!!! How laughable!!
    I swear Okubo's just trolling us to death with this move!! Hahahahahahahahaahahahahaha!!!!
    It was great Amy being announced on EVO, since she is very popular in Japan. :sc4amy1:
    2B finally out for SC6. I finally found my new main!!
    i guess i'll see you guys next year - if I'm able to get the PS4.
    I apologize for my actions yesterday about the incident at Jacksonville. From now on, I'll play fighting games as a recreation. It's not my obligation to play SoulCalibur; even I have a life to attend to. I guess that what happens when you take things too personally.
    Kayane vs. PartyWolf, a SCVI EVO grand finals matchup made for the heavens is approaching this saturday. get ready!!
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Why is it that several people think Kayane vs PW is a matchup made for the heavens? Are they trying to ship them together or some shit like that or is it rivalry?
    @Crash X Because they each won a beta build exhibition tourney
    Xeph and Linkrkc in Winners finals. This dream is dead, lol
    I have a question to ask. Am I a cancer to this community?
    I'm just asking. We got cancers in the Street Fighter community like DSP and LTG - better yet the entire FGC; I'm just curious.
    You haven't made a big enough name yet to actually be "cancer".
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Well to be fair, DPS has proven to be cancerous outside of the FGC as well, he's shown to be cancer in just the gaming community as a whole.
    You drew some guy sitting in my waifu's hand. I hope you understand that this does indeed mean that we are enemies now.
    These online pussies on SCV are scary. After 5 long years, I'm finally bored with the game.
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