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  • Any SCV footage from FR to be found yet?
    Kombatnetwork's stream archives are up on their twitch page. Appleboom said that the other matches will be up on Avylon's YouTube in a week.
    Sounds good!
    APEX 2015 is THE REASON I've gotten on here sounding like a grump, complaining about people planning tournies in the North East in Winter!
    You've been upset about Apex for six months?
    Well your comment is all sorts of misplaced.. but... hey! Did you get to watch any Apex? By the time I finally got out of work I was able to catch some damned good matches. You?
    So one gamespot video highlights Lost Swords as one of the 5 worst games of 2014... to those who have played it... agree?
    Its honestly not a "bad" game, its just not a good "fighting" game. Saying its one of the worst games of 2014 is based on expectation; its just not what people expect out of a fighting game. It's still a well-programmed, playable and fun game. You just can't play it with friends... which is a travesty in the fighting game genre.
    I agree that it's a button_mashing_casual_single_player_only_cash'in_ hentai_piece_of_shit that's for sure.
    I think a good combination of all 3 answers makes sense considering what I've seen. Expectation definitely played a part... "yay New calibur... no multi?! WaT?"
    Infinite scrolling eliminates all of the good will established by the update by itself. Also, the halt scrolling button is too low onthepage
    1: why is nec in the winter... in the northeast...? 2: always love seeing that ivy cosplay with the big ol butt. Yessir
    If you've not tried the new smash bros: it's got a decent amount of content and it's fun despite slightly more shallow multi.
    Problem is you literally cannot defend against lag LockDownZ ;)
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    It was funny when people were calling out blueboy on having a shitty connection and then he posted his speedtest..

    Then I looked up my connection speed and it was way way lower than his lmao!
    Speedtest can be a strong indicator of connectivity for sure. Unfortunately, sometimes those with good speed test are people who merely "test" well for these sorts of things and when their connection has to actually handle practical packet exchanges during real stressful moments they fall apart. Being on PovertySN never helps either.
    Will not feel good until post about alignment starring Alex JJ and the great religion debaters exceeds 9000 posts... for obvious reasons...
    Tomb Raider "seems" to be exclusive. I doubt it'll be exclusive. Makes no sense in the current financial outlook of gaming. Timed at most.
    Depends on how much cash MS put out. Seems like a dumb property given that the last TR only turned a profit after constant remakes etc.
    Yeh... I still haven't played my "free" downloaded psplus version of the new raider.
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