KrayzieCD VS SorryBaskets: Attack of the Lag Tactics (The [Offline] Online Tournament Finals)

Damnit I need to make it to one of these things. It looks like you guys have lots of fun. And I not just talking about the constant Voldo ass hitting lol.
hella hella good. good shit for recording.
My camera skills are so pro
Haha. As usual, commentary hype is the best part of SC.


Feb 14, 2010 at 10:08 PM
Posted by EvilParagon
KrayzieCD VS SorryBaskets
Online touranment for PSN Number 22 Grand Finals Mikosu the tournament supervisor told us that it was ok if we did the finals for the online tournament offline. Since KrayzieCD and I live 1 hour away from each other we brought it live to his living room with some pretty pro spectators bringing the hype.

My cameras battery died at in the middle of our games so -_- But the ending score was Sorrybaskets 4 KrayzieCD 1
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