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  • Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    Revisited N4G after a couple of months... I'm disappointed with the still present platform bias
    Sometimes playing Raphael can be incredibly tough...
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    Reactions: imonamission
    Yep it's VE, I don't remember what it stands for though. What I do remember is that the sidestep frames of the stance sucked, many verticals would knock me out of it. But I wasn't a dedicated player back then, so I may be mistaken.
    VE stands for Vurkolak Envelopment. SC2 Raph had circular envelopment A+K (dodged lows and mids) and spiral envelopment B+K (dodged highs and mids). He would do VE stance animation if you dodged a vertical. In SC3, VE was A+B for manual vertical evasion but B+K was basically the same move which autoevaded all verticals. In SC4, you had to manually input B+K to dodge verticals.
    Yay, I got it right about the dodging part <3
    I just realized that they could add so much to Raph by bringing back Vertical and Circular Envelopment! =O
    Not just the dodging part, but all the mind games you can play! My favored 22_88B into SCIV B+K B is just an example!
    Haha what a clueless person. He thinks Smash Bros is better than all of those games? Im not going to analyze the entire article but I will say it is filled with illogical statements, bad premises, and ignorant comments.
    He thinks mastering a fighting game is simply memorizing button combinations and learning how to do combos. Which is kinda sad because many people think this way, and it drives them away from the genre.
    Damn youtubers, when are you gonna learn that complaining on the internet won't bring your favorite characters back?
    I'm working on my anti prep study and the results aren't as bad as I previously expected, barring a few characters. I'll post it soon.
    I agree with the high risk high reward notion. Good luck against DIME. Hope I can learn something too. Oh and for those few characters, would you mind finding what options we have to deal with anti prep options?
    Generally, faking prep and punishing helps a lot and is your most damaging option. Prep K is great on many matchups, like Cervantes, who can punish every other option pretty hard. I'm only halfway through, but I'll post it in the next week or two and then update
    Lol I like your post about Raph in the Who's the right character for you thread, but he is not a pedophile haha.

    You can never be sure about teleporting vampires who want to live alone with a teenage girl...
    no problem. I'm testing all characters' best anti prep options and how I can escape and punish them when I sense them coming. But I'm not sure if it's fine the way it is or if I need to reorganize it. I want to get this done now that school is not in the way.

    About the thread, it's kinda old isn't it? Is it worth to revive it?
    True, it is kinda old. You can create a new thread if you wish. It might get everyone to stay on topic and actually focus on your work since we have a ton of old threads lol. And I think your list looks pretty good right now.
    Hey fellow Raph player. May I ask how long have you been playing Raph??
    I'm new to the series, started with sc4 because of star wars, played it casually until sc5 came out. In my last sc4 weeks I decided I was bored with Darth Vader and switched to Raph. I immediately felt in love with his playstyle... and since then I've been trying to improve. I thought I was Raph's biggest fan before I met you XD
    Haha yeah I've played him since SC2 but never at the tournament level though. Right now Im taking a hiatus from games. I might try a tournament with Raph in the future depending on how my independent life goes lol.
    Sadly I won't be trying tournaments anytime soon, as much as I'd like to have such experience. Being a 16 years old Brazillian guy makes it much harder
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