Dominic Augustus

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  • Hey, just wrote a reply on the thread - thank you once again, have a nice week. :)
    Dominic Augustus
    Dominic Augustus
    My week have been mediocre, but having bit fun of messaging and sharing videos does defeat boredom. I been thinking about returning to anime by watching Seraph of the End, and Akito the Exiled.
    If anyone can have three wishes, what will those be?
    Dominic Augustus
    Dominic Augustus
    I want to be the Angel of Death. I dislike being a mere human.
    To create a successful cartoon/video game series.
    To direct a Soul Calibur game, one so good that it dethrones Soul Calibur II as the series' Magnum Opus!
    To make my place in history!
    Dominic Augustus
    Dominic Augustus
    Those are very good wishes Francis, Ooofmatic, and Hydro JamesAqua. Y'all can not only influence and help yourselves, but others in need as well.
    This website have gotten very boring, does anybody realize the torture? Haha!
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    Dominic Augustus
    Dominic Augustus
    I am love and hate altogether, if a man know he should be born with a clearer voice, look more beautiful than he is now, and be more taller and ability to think own his own, but yet something cursed him or twisted fate made him a bit ugly unknown. I don't care if life's fair or not, if family nor friends don't live up to the purpose of being family and friends what's the point of supporting them?
    Dominic Augustus
    Dominic Augustus
    I want to be a hermit that's free to do what he wishes, not caring about family affairs, and great ambition might comes later on. I am determined to not be somebody's chess piece anymore. If I am not happy with my life, than I gonna change it to make myself happy. Nobody gonna hold be back! However, love, hate, and fear have their pros and cons. Come like or dislike me, love or hate. I don't care!
    I voted for Zephyr from Resonance of Fate for SSB 3DS/WII U! The series need a new gun character.
    I voted for Anita Sarkeesian.
    Dominic Augustus
    Dominic Augustus
    I wonder how she will be like in the game, because she's a real-life person.
    They already put her in a game already.
    Omg you watch dangan ronpa!
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    Dominic Augustus
    Dominic Augustus
    The Dangan Ronpa series have games and novels too, but there's a one anime season; which I felt... upset. I wish there is OVAs and a second season of Dangan Ronpa.
    I have rose up the rank of Apprenticeship, it's something I am glade about because I starting to get recognized and learning to be a player.
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