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  • You sound familiar.
    Ahha I see. Sorry about that. They changed to 8WR and I have not been here since they moved lol, or even playing SC. Who will you be playing in SC5?
    If Talim isn't announced it'd have to be Leixia, unless i find someone else that catches my fancy :)
    Ah ok. Might make Leixia my secondary not sure yet. Viola going to be my main.
    Hi! Question, where do you get the backgrounds you use for your SCV wallpapers?
    Varioud places where I can get official game-art for other games :)
    Oh i see.. cool!
    hope you don't mind, but i edited your gameplay e3 thread to be a bit more inviting for the front page. its not just this one...we edit all threads for promotion to the homepage to add a little bit of filler for people to read. let me know if you don't approve of my edit and we can change it.
    Would love to play ya once if you ever want to hook up my tag is the same for psn if your winning tournys with Talim I would love to see your style of play : )
    Just wanted to stop by and give you a good job on the Talim Soul Arena. So, congrats you do your "job" well =)
    Mr. Eclair! Not to be creepy or anything but you and Kura are my favorite Talim player's in the world! :D Just saying! Thank you for making me and others in the Talim community want to continue playing Talim!
    That's very flattering. I'm glad i'm making others play talim and enjoying it :)

    Make sure to check out zeroeffect, oofmatic and jaxel. Very talented talim's that i learn from as well.
    Oh Thank you! I'll check then out! :D
    Vanilla Eclair! You should attack the Talim forum! :D Cause we need professional oppinion! :D Well I mean besides Jaxel and ZeroEffect
    Yeah man, that girl you told to rock up to couch warriors. ;) Looks like there's one this Sunday. MIGHT go.
    hey Eclair, sup? its that noob Talim from ages ago (one of them?). Do you go to these "meets" the Melb guys have every so often?
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