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  • Hey there. MY first time online for SC5 I did pretty well. Your online gameplay with Mitsurugi inspired me with spacing zoning and mix ups. I was surprised how well I did, and even learned how to get away with risky attack moves. I had no idea I can view my own replays, I was pretty excited and watched my match like a movie. XD
    Yo Fahros, I have a question for ya. What type of recording set up do you have? I'm trying to start up a channel with a buddy and get more SC content and other gaming stuff out.
    Hey Fahros u think u can be avaliable to stream at 7pm eastern standard time on PSN this Friday night? Its between me & provesa dark.
    I'm still loling @ what you told me yesterday.
    I have to stop getting caught up in with trolls on 8wayrun, lol...
    Actually I was talking about a certain "commentating request" haha. And my God, I have a headache after reading that conversation on ruronikenshin's wall. That dude Final...lol...
    Hey Fahros you up for watching commentating some Natsu Vs. Natsu action?
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    Ohhgod yes. When you thinking?
    We're trying to shoot for tonight but I'll give you an update on when the match will go down.
    You available right now? Me and Oof are ready to go, but I might have him hold off if you can't record tonight.
    What happened to Tuesday! Lol, I'm actually in a game now. I might be able to free myself up in 10 or so minutes, I'm supposed to record another match at 11pm though. We should go like around 11:30pm central or bust, for tonight. You guys can play if you want, but it's no good rushing it, I'm not set up or anything atm.
    Oof says he'll be on until two in the morning, and I can definitely stay up at least a little while. It's already 11:30 here [Eastern Time] so I'm assuming that'll be 12:30 for us, and it ought to be fine, just hit me up with a party invite when you get on.

    And yeah, I was planning on Tuesday, but Oof just signed in and messaged me asking if I wanted to fight, so I figured why not if I can get a hold of Fahros XD
    Hey, I heard from Oof, he says he's available during the day Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and after 10:00 est the rest of the week. I still need to check my schedule for next week, but I know I have the weekend free. When will you be available this coming week to capture the hype? :D
    Sounds good, I should be able to work that in just fine. Just let me know when you guys get a set date/time, but yeah, I have nothing planned at the moment.
    Tentatively, Tuesday night, between 8 and 10. I should be hearing back from Oof tonight, but that ought to work for everyone.
    fahros, you convinced me, i´ll start playing mitsurugi, so i hope we can fight on PSN sometime and see what turns out
    Anybody play Arma II: DayZ mod?
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    Saw the girl on CURSED do the review in this weeks updates, looks like crap.
    Yeah I'd love to get in and review it for myself, if I could join a functioning game...

    I never go off reviews though, much better off just looking up gameplay yourself on Youtube. The commentators I've watched play it make it look hilarious fun, but if's giving me a good bit of trouble right now.
    I wish i couldve won the steam giveaway...
    Liking the Replay Commentary, I prefer the live stuff, but this was more informative so it felt like a different experience. As for the vlogs and stuff, I haven't watched any of those because I'm being a bit choosy with my time, but I plan on doing when the next one rolls around.
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    It's a bit old at this point, I've learned a lot since then, AND it's a bit too long...40mins if I remember right, so I'm not sure if you want to watch that one or not. I'm definitely going to brush up on it and make a more user friendly/condensed/better version soon.
    40 Minutes is nothing on the path to greatness.

    Sounds like it's pretty successful though - I'll definitely give it a watch later on. For now, bedtime. Good luck in all endeavours dude.
    um...where are my manners..

    *waves* Bonjour, Im xx SoulCalibur xx Nice to meet you V 3 V; *flees*
    Oh hey! Hi there! Tenchi here. I really enjoyed you're commentary vids, it was a fun watch. That must be really difficult multitasking like that. But man, you pulled it off pretty well. Say, I'd like to know what you think of my fanfic film, "Interactive Warrior." I have it posted here. Feel free to check it out. ^^
    Hey man I heard u were willing to stream & commentate matches..if u wouldn't mind would u like to commentate my match with force-destruct on psn?
    Got it you guys, GGs! I'll try and have the match up asap for you all!
    I screwed up like hell those last two matches, especially with the dropped combos in the last rounds of the third and final match
    Ahhhh you didn't look bad. It was a good set, don't let it get to ya. Just come back stronger next time. ;)
    Hey, man, I've been trying to get ahold of you to record matches! Maybe it's my fault for trying to do it through YouTube XD But I'd love for you to record my next match, which I'm assuming will be against Oof, if he's down for it. I also saved all the replays from for my first two rounds if you want to do anything with those, but they're not super hype lol
    Also, it ought to be ultra-hype. Who wouldn't want to see tournament-level Dampierre gameplay? :D
    Yeah, and you've done pretty good so far against good players. You're new, so I was worried Oof might just steamroll you, but I think it may be a close match.
    Yeah, I beat him once in ranked but it was really close, I was pumped. Win or lose, it at least ought to be a good match.
    Hey Fahros, Long time listener, first time caller. Optymus and I are scheduled for a tourney match on the inter webz. Thinking maybe youd be interested in commentating. If so, is there a good time for you, or when are you most available? Appreciate it homes.

    Hot Rod Dave
    Hot Rod Dave
    Yeah we for sure need to get some hype going for these things. Everyone thinks youre to busy. But I see no one has asked. LOL. Ill drum up some stuff right now.
    Feel free to spread the word around...

    I stay busy, but I've said time and time again I would make time for this!

    Honest engine, the only reason 'pool' matches didn't go up last time is because they were flooded with people DC'ing. I recorded 5matches I think: Three of those matches had lag problems... -_-
    I need to see this. I need to see this more than I need to see the sun.
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