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  • So I watched the sequel to Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island where the gang return on Moonscar Island. Now I knew the animation wasn't going to be top notch, but fuck the movie's story telling was pure trash and I hated how Velma just ignorantly denied how the monsters in the first movie were fake.

    The movie was super bad.
    This is off topic here, but I have to say that I still don't pay much attention to DOA6; must admit that trailer that revealed the new character Diego and that has Rig was filled with so much ho yay that I love it LOL.
    So I went to see some gameplay videos of Talim to compare how tall she is to other female characters before SCVI. Honestly, she was always as big ingame to other women. You guys are being silly.
    It would be great if a Dead Space 4 got announced since I am a fan of that series, too. Though, I feel that that series is more hopeless than Soul Calibur seeing how the last game got screwed over more than SCV.
    I don't even know why they decided to make a sequel; it just looks even more cringy. This makes me happy that SC didn't get one or... no.
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Movies about video games are awful no matter what.
    Not even a movie that Bandai Namco themselves made about Tekken was even that good. I will say it is better than the other Tekken films, but it was pretty medicore.
    So I just found out that they actually made a Tekken 2 live action film and went to watch the trailer. It looks like total trash.
    Seriously, who the fuck directed this shit?! It is a mystery how films based on video games can suck this bad. This is why I'm happy that Soul Calibur doesn't have a live action film or Nightmare would be played by a comedian, Siegfried by some old man and Kilik by Jackie Chan. That would be a nightmare. PS Taki got revealed.
    Jackie Chan would at least choreograph interesting fights.
    Thinking about it now Jackie Chan being in a Soul Calibur movie wouldn't be bad, just not as Kilik. I could actually see him as Yoshimitsu only because of personal preference. Though whatever studio would probably make a Soul Calibur movie will only make Yoshi evil like in the first Tekken movie.
    If it becomes possible to dress up guests in SCVI I will make Geralt fight in a tutu. NO QUESTIONS IT WILL HAPPEN AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Before you do that, acquiring the tutu should be your first priority if it’s not at there at the start lol.
    He'd probably rather go through 1,000 portals.
    If the game doesn't have one I will make something similar. Plus a tutu will show off his feminine side and score him more ladies. Again, you guys will love him in pink.
    LMFAO so I just took a peak at the types of premium membership and I can't believe there is actually one for a lifetime. Hmm, tempting.
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