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  • I feel like Samurai Shodown is going to steal my Soul Calibur hours away as soon as it releases. I'm so hype.
    Anyone within europe who wanna play some SC6 on Steam sometime? (anyone outside can add me too if they want to) Not that i mean to sound like a prick but i feel like i'm learning nothing about match ups with the people i meet online at the moment. Plus it's starting to get really lonesome.

    Hit me up: steamcommunity.com/id/HogisGuy/
    Got my hands on Soul Calibur 6 and tried it out at the swedish convention, Närcon. Amazing times! Was a lot of stuff to get used to but that won't be a problem, really.
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    Reactions: I_Love_Aogami
    Well since my main, Hilde is not present i decided to go with my side mains, Maxi and Sophitia. I actually think this is way better than sc5. The speed is what really got everyone excited. It really does feel like sc2.
    Took a while to get used to the new moves and controls but it eventually grew on me. Can't wait to get this game and spend some quality time in practice mode. I really liked Groh too. I told my self that if Hilde's out, I'll try him out and see.
    I am... still holding on to the tiny bit of hope Hilde makes another return! Reading what you said makes me more eager to play it.
    Nice changed mood of avatar, pal. 'Cause I may know what THAT might mean.
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    Reactions: HogisGuy
    Thank you. =D I'm really happy right now. It was worth stying up late for this. Now i have to wait and hope that Hilde is still around.
    Yeah, it was kinda funny seeing Mio looking not amused with a cigarette in hand, lol. But yeah, looks better now, considering the change, and yeah, SC VI, lol.
    I think i'm just gonna keep my mouth shut till PSX. I don't trust this Vergeben since he could easily be a troll. Hope for the best.
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    Reactions: Frayhua
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Same with me. Though, I don't really find Vergeben to be a troll tbh.
    So if Hilde isn't back in 6, then i'm out of the SC business... unless they bring Talim back =3
    Yo friend, thank for the tips for Nightmare dude.How are you?
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    Reactions: HogisGuy
    Hey there! Sorry for the delayed response.
    I'm good. It's been awhile now since i signed in here and played Soul Calibur but i feel that it's time to refine my skills with the wolfkrone princess Before the summer tournaments is here.
    Is it just me or has there been a lot of douchebag Tira mainers online lately?
    Well, not because they're maining Tira. It's just that some Tiras i meet now days are cocky, taunt-happy teabaggers who are so full of them selfs. Not saying that every Tira mainer does this but i just relized how often i come across those kinds of people.
    aren't all tiras taunt-happy, unless they're already in gloomy of course?
    Yes of course but i mean they spam that taunt button. But let's drop this now lol.
    It's starting to sound like it's a first world problem when it isn't. I just found it weird how i couldn't face one serious Tira now in a while.
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message https://tinyurl.com/SUPPORTSCV and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
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