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  • If anybody ever wants to play a game of SCV on XBL, I might be available for a game.
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Who do you main?
    I main Hilde and use Elyisum mainly when I play as I am most familiar with the girl character moves as opposed to the male cast.
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message https://tinyurl.com/SUPPORTSCV and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    8 days late, but just want to say i retweeted the oneframelink a day or two when it was posted.
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