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  • Playing Tekken 7. The offline content is so similar to SCV. Just the story mode is better and the gameplay is designed better.
    I remember a time when Xianghua had one of the most feared movesets in the series because of bugs alone. Times have changed......
    Xianghua is a goddess that can make all moves not matter and causes 10-0 matches with her return in SCVI. Combine my Leixia tech with X's incredible damage you get 10-0 matchups.
    At this point, Soul Calibur might as well reboot again so people can SHUT UP already!
    People would still complain or actively look for things to nitpick.
    Reboot or not, we want more Soul Calibur.
    wait, Daishi quit? I'm telling you. I saw this coming from a mile away.
    And because of that no decent online in SC2 HDO =(
    Come again?
    Someone should take a dare to cosplay in Algol's SCV outfit. Hell, even Elysium has been cosplayed before.
    gotta be like egyptian and muscular as shit
    I know. lol
    Hi there~ Just wanted to let you know that, your avatars are always so beautiful. I shall make make my leave now~ *flies away with the wind*
    hehe. Thank you. I try to make them as exquisite as possible.
    G4 channel revamped into Esquire? I didn't even know.
    Not "Manly" persay. More like the business type, or mature type of men. Not "drinks beer constantly, fantasizes about being an MMA fighter" type of manly like SpikeTV has always been, while G4 ended up being and is failing because of it.
    G4 lost sight of what they were supposed to be. They were a video game, geek, and tech TV Channel. But somewhere along the lines, they dropped all things video games, and just went straight to pop culture, and you wonder why G4 is becoming Esquire. I know a lot of people are going to be upset that G4 is going away, but others saw the writing on the wall.
    The good news is that men will have an alternative TV channel to look at in Esquire versus Spike. Some will like it, some will not. Some will even joke about it. The bad news is what about the geek/tech stuff? SyFy Network seems to have some geek/tech stuff, and I hope they get some video game shows (which will be unlikely) on their network.
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message https://tinyurl.com/SUPPORTSCV and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    So I had an awesome idea for the next installment and the story mode. Just reply yes if you are interested in me sharing it to you.
    So Microsoft only accepts credit cards for Xbox repairs......Okay, when is PS4 coming along?
    DIENASTY WARRIORS 8 news=Grieve Edge weapon becoming DLC. Oh yeah, so are the Emei Piercers, and TWIN FANS!!
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