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  • I would love to TD. Though the only downside is our connection is going to be ass since I'm eastcoast but if you still wanted to do it for shits and giggles I'm down. :)
    Yeah true about the connection part. All the males are being assholes about it, but they just dont understand how some of us arent good like them, that's why I said that in the thread. Haha.
    Yeah why not, I know it's gonna be hella interesting for alot of players. =P
    Um I really don't mind playing the dudes, you get better by playing better people and I don't think having a dick gives you some sort of mystical advantage to fighting games. I just want to thunderdome someone. Actually a lot of someones. I'm not sure how we go about doing this but if you know whom we can set it up. :)
    Hey, KittehScrub! How's it been going???
    Going great Widow! I miss seeing you on my damn friends list! Maybe I should just delete you and re-add you. Or you should do it to me since I can never see you. But I deleted some people last night. =[
    Imma give Leixia a go.
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    Reactions: Project Bokuho
    @Cj Yeah I know her DMG isnt that great, Sadly. =[
    @Akillise, happens, lol. :)
    Der Lindwurm
    Der Lindwurm
    You can do some pretty serious damage with Lexy pretty quickly if you get them into a good combo. 6KK's a decently strong punisher at i13, and all those AA punishes and 2Ks do add up.
    Thank you very much! I'll keep that in mind! =)
    Hey, I saw you wanted to improve with Viola. I'm not the best player, but I'm sure I could show you a thing or two. You're on PSN, right? :)
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    Reactions: KitKay
    Yes! I'm on PSN. BadKittyKay. =)
    Since I been playing alot more again, I've been uploading videos again.
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    Reactions: Akilise
    Oh Yeah We've All Seen The Ones On Streammate. Keep Em Coming!
    Hey I found a really good viola player that you can do mirrors with. Let me know if you want in I can invite you to a 3way lobby . Probably one of the best viola's online and a good challenge especially for me I just can't stand viola uhh! jk. He's worth a fight for you since you guys are both viola users.
    I'd like to feel the power of winning!
    Aww thanks Zane! =)
    Alright! I'll get on...eventually...... Also, if i'm ever online and playing SCV, never be hesitant to just send me an invite. I'll join if i'm there.
    Okay, sounds good! Thank you!
    Sooo, I think Im wanting to know/learn frames now so I can get better.. >.>
    Easiest way is to learn the moves that annoy YOU the most, and learn their frames (how unsafe they are, how fast, how much advantage on hit) and learn what to do against them from there
    Okay, I'll keep that in mind, thank you, Zane. :)
    Feeling positive about myself improving! I feel like I can already feel it. :)
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