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  • Hi Malek this is JAG. If you read this then i want you to know that I considered your offer regarding Clash of Titans Nr.2 and i might want to participate. Is it still possible? Where do I have to register? CU!
    Yoooo! I told Kayane (when she was at Sporko's apartment during EVO week) to tell you that "Khent says hello", but I don't know if she remembered or even understood me. So hello!

    P.S. - I mess around with Ivy as a secondary, but I absolutely stink with her.
    Hey man! First of all - good luck at Cannes this weekend! Second - could you please put me in touch with Asenka or someone else involved in running the tournament, I have a really good last second tournament sponsorship idea.
    Don't know yet about balance. And I have no news about Zasa unfortunately, but already asked about him.
    Hey man, hope everything is going good for you, what do you think about the game? is there anye Character thats broken? like ALGOL? he seems really strong, so i just want to know, and some info about ZASA PLEASE, well good luck in the tournament, hope you win, take care.
    hello, we were wondering if you had any info to share with ivy to us about what you have found from playing as her in the SCV event, wed really appreciate if you could share your findings and opinions on her :)
    Hey Malek! Thank you for hosting us!! It was great, better than any hotel! haha..It was nice to meet and play you again! The tournament was hilarious and challenging (air) no one will ever fogett! :) You are a great player, even with Zas! But if you REALLY want to win next time! PICK IVY! :) haha...anyways, thanks for everything! looking forward to play you in SCV!
    Hey, I'm going to see if Omega is coming because I didnt know if you was still coming to the Summer Jam. If Omega isnt coming i'm going to see if we can donate the money to you. Please reply back and let me know something. I'm about to post in the thread to get a definite if Omeaga coming.
    Hi, Malek, i want say big thanks to you, for help in Cannes. Everything was amazing, i think it's not my last trip to France) And please don't forget to post info about your big events on, i'm sure next time there will be more players from Russia.
    Hi Malek, long time no see.

    I will make it short... do you know people who have still a place or two left in their room? All germans are full, and my Bro and i want to come if it is possible cause last year was really cool. That will decide if we can come or not.
    Yo! Are the registrations still open for the WGC 2011?
    Because there are some players from Greece that are interested in the event
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