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  • Dayam.... that new Irelia forehead. Don't see why they couldn't just make her look more like she does in her Order of the Lotus art.
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    Reactions: MKHSpartan
    Der Lindwurm
    Der Lindwurm
    They changed the new artwork not long after it first came out, though it still looks a little off somehow. But what I'm really worried about his how crazily complicated she will become when they decide to totally rework her abilities. I can't imagine they'll tolerate her current simplicity much longer! I mean, look what they did to Fiora...
    Pretty much, Riot has been changing heaps of "simple" kits to make them more "complex and fun", forgetting I think that so many play Yi, Tryndamere, Annie etc because they are simple and don't want to worry about Azir level mechanics.
    Part of the reason I enjoy Udyr, Nasus, Shyvana etc is because they are simple, it lets me focus on decision making over trying to pull off complicated shuffles lol, I prefer to have a kit I can execute easily and consistently. I'
    m hoping the rework will turn out ok, but they haven't really said anything other than "We like her current Q".
    So many people complaining about the Lotus Irelia ingame model. I think it's fine. Maybe it doesn't deliver the booty action they've come to expect from her.
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    Reactions: MKHSpartan
    I haven't had the skin come up in any of my games actually, so I've only seen the PBE for it. It looked fine from what I saw, I bet they just miss Frostbutt, er, Frostblade I mean.
    Ionia shall NOT fall! My booty is OUTRAGEOUS!
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    Lol sup. And yes, my booty is pretty damn outrageous. Certainly don't mind the view when playing top lane Irelia lolol.
    Der Lindwurm
    Der Lindwurm
    I guess the frostblade booty is the most famous but it's definitely going on with the aviator and nightblade skins too. I've had some pretty good runs with Irelia recently! But I have problems with her wanting to run forward into certain death while I'm smartcasting R.
    Lol, usually I use R when pushing a creep wave, killing someone, running away or farming a creep wave again lol. Her ult is like the farm ult lolol. But yea, she's my best top laner. Riven is my favourite still however lol.
    "Invoke Feather." There now your profile page is alive again. ;P
    Hmm, what you study ??
    Bachelor of Design Innovation, specialising in Media Design, so like game animation etc Also taking Japanese for my minor, which I am enjoying more than the design atm haha.
    Hey this is pretty great, sounds interesting, but there is a lot of math. so must be really hard as well. Japanese you say?? Haha, this is amazing,
    Yo, wanna do our matches for the league now? or sometime soon? I'm on XBL atm.
    I will in a bit over an hour if that's ok?
    Nobuhiro Goto, one of the game's designers, replied, "Toriyama said, 'I want to make them bigger...'" To which Motomu Toriyama, Lightning Returns' director, said with a chuckle, "Don't pass the buck!" (Goto also told Dengeki Online that the decision to change the character's breast size was "an order from Toriyama.")
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    Reactions: Ramus
    Der Lindwurm
    Der Lindwurm
    This was a major discussion topic on C3 last night. Yes, Lightning's boobs! And the fact that they probably had to do something to make her more exciting when she has the personality of a potato. :p
    Lindwurm how dare you....what did the potatoes ever done to you?
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    I'm a bit confused? What matters is that you support the game enough To read and respond to my Post. That's really the point of this, Are we going to win the pot? Probably not but it definitely shows we still have support for our game
    Yea, I quite like SCV ( although personally, if they put proper netcode in SCIV, I would play that instead but meh, I'll just hope on SCVI), however I don't keep up with the tournament scene at all really as, well, there are no tournaments (or players really) in my country, so I don't play much.
    It's cool
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