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  • Hello RTD. I have seen some of your tournament footage and I am amazed. Mitsurugi is my favorite character and I learned a lot just by watching your videos.

    I see your mottos saying "RIP Soulcalibur. It was fun while it lasted." Is it really over? I admit I showed up late to the party. Are they just finished with tournaments or the game series itself?
    Congrats on winning CEO! That was an epic comeback starting with the 2k BE RO! Good job man!
    thx! that was some intense stuff!
    hey Rob i met you when we you ate at ruby tuesdays with kab it was really cool to meet you. Black Belt Arcades has started a weekly here its at Stonemountain it would be cool if you could make it sometime
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    Reactions: RTD
    R.J. Streety
    Shin RyuJin

    Thats your pool... Ha guess you arent in mine after all!
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    Reactions: RTD
    Hey Rob long time no see. Was just wondering if you had seen this new Japanese Hilde player. We he's not really new as he's been doing really well over there in Japan for awhile. Just wanted to hear what you thought about him and her now. Hit me up.
    yeah, the guy is insane. many have tried hilde and given up so props to him for making her work! i think that she can zone but i think that she has fundamental damage and complexity issues with the charging. over all, she is a solid mid tier character.
    Any hope of getting some anti Mitsu training still?
    Oh wow so sc5 is done with the MLG thing?
    Sp1d3r anytime man! I still love the game but I'm having a lot of fun with sf right now. i may jump on tt2 soonish.

    JustinAkatsuki, yeah, sc was suppose to finish out the seasons but the attendance was too low
    Hey Rob u got a PSN? I would like to train with u...mine is SaltFace_GA.
    sure man. rtd_atl
    Cool thanks bro...I'll do my best not to die lol ;)
    I get off work around 3pm today...I'll hit u up then
    RTD, I got your message on my phone. I'd be glad to get some games in and talk about Pat too. Gimme a time that'll be good for you and we'll work something out.
    I know you preping for EVO but Damn you didn't have to go all Sandusky on us RTD. You beat me Karl and Corrondo like we stole sumthing. I think I'm gonna play Yugioh from now on. 29-1. Ya made me turn da mic of cause of the sadness. Still rooting for you at EVO tho. Talk OMEGA into going
    Takei_samurai7 is the PSN.... I screamed so much, I lost my damn voice...... it felt like CEO staff was gonna kick us the hell out
    Yo bro congratz this weekend! I was happy to meet you and the fam this weekend at CEO... i noticed you evaded all casuals though... wasnt interested in the little people i see... viola or leave me alone.... lol... next time yuo on PSN bro, boot some1 and add me Takei_samurai7... im trying to get some rugi tips
    are you kidding me? i was watching the finals. it was soo hype! what's your psn? i'd love to play.
    Hey I'm in town this week for work and posted in the ATL section to see if anyone is playing this week. Someone said to give you a shout. If you're free before friday, I'd love to get some games in. I'm a somewhat decent Cervy player from Vegas
    looking for violas to play. shoot me a pm with your psn/xbox handle and a time you can play. you don't even have to be good.
    cool. i'll play you tomorrow then. what time?
    Probably around 6:00 P.M. Illinois time(Where I live. Not sure which time zone I think Central Time Zone).
    Also, what will you be on? PS3 or XBL? cause I dont have SCV for the PS3 yet but I'm getting it tomorrow probably after 6:00 but I'll definately be on XBL.
    hey dude, been a long time, good luck at the world champs, i think ur the US best shot at takin it
    Good luck at the SOULCALIBUR V World Championship! I will be cheering for ya. Hope you find some good anti nightmare technology.
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    Reactions: 5tu10
    thanks man!
    What up Rob? It's Owen in Atlanta... remember me? Just wanted to see if we could get in some matches sometime online. I have SCV for ps3, figured you did as well. My name is PLOKING02... add me if you don't mind. I've love to learn some shit from you. Holla.
    good to hear from you again man. i'll make sure to add you for some games. let me know when you come to atlanta too. we can hang out.
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