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  • Any idea if any players have room for 2 UK players? Me and Joel need accommodation pronto. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Yes, he's staying with the germans like last year. They dont have any room left I think.
    Ok. How's FIFA going? Me and stu are in Div 3 (and got cheated out of Div 2 promotion) so we might play you soon haha.

    Also I know you'll be training your FR homies for Cannes success, but if you ever feel like a few games against the insignificant English... I'll be waiting ;)
    Any news on the VF guys?
    i remember that avatar of yours, that is when saito receives all the blows from sano with getting fully hit. epic character, epic player.
    Do you play on XBL? I'm sure I was beaten by really good Maxi with a similar name to yours yesterday
    Maxi truly are the best I've seen so far...Saitoh & Maxi rules!!still playing with it, it's great to see him in action!!
    Nice seeing some Maxi victories! Some of your recent footage learned me a couple new things.
    yo been on the maxi forums. After post patch the matchup is no longer 7-3 in favor of maxi vs astaroth imo. The damage nerf allows asta to take more licks and stay in the fight, maxi no longer outdamages him. So right now (its too early don't take this seriously) i feel its 5-5 or even a slight advantage for astaroth now just my opinion on it now :/
    Do you use Maxi now?
    Currently yes, I'm wondering about Astaroth's potential in this game.
    He can do full damage at a wall with meter. That would be enough for me if I still liked Asta but USE ASTA! YOU ARE WORSHIPPED!
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