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  • So more than a year later, I've finally gotten my hands on a ps4 and a personal copy of SC6!! Time to dive into the data once more, and hope to fight many of you again 😄
    Was telling someone about this site the other night and decided to check back up on it. PS4 and SC6 coming soooooon 👀
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Do they plan to join the party?
    He lives, hey man whats is up?
    Oh snap, so you were c/o 2014!? Or nah? Aha, which RE? I guess Raph adds a bit of epice au francais to the mix, eh? I still liked him more in IV D:
    I am going to the second semester, RE Revelations mostly and sometimes 6.
    Oui, hehe me too man;
    Wait, so it is your first year, right? :0 just gotta confirm x] Ooooh, the last one I played/still kinda play is Darkside Chronicles for Wii x] I have yet to play 6 or past, though. RE 5 was aight, but I didn't like the cam, but then again I've never liked the cam in ANY RE game I've played. It's like they make it intentionally slow or staggered so that you can't see anyone coming xD
    Using the PS3 controller as a mouse is ingenious, and now I can finally play games w/o worrying about carpal tunnel xD
    I still hate Tekken, even when I win
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    Reactions: Solo
    it's mostly in general for me. The frame setups, movement and ukemi tacts are much more crucial. Techniques are proportionate, but once you're hit, you're hit--no escape. Also, countering post-ad from your opponent is truly a guessing game (no GI/JG--any of that, except for parrying lows). I guess that makes for a hardcore fighter, but it can be frustrating.
    How often do you lose?
    Waaaahhh? :O
    It's sorta fun trying to reason which moves would actually be unsafe/safe on block irl. However, logically-speaking, Ezio 6K2 should be +10.
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