The Landslide
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  • Hi Chuck, this is God. I've hijacked your friend Sean's 8wayrun account so that I could tell you to go play SC2 HD with the Philly gang once it's released. I have spoken!
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    Hello, God. Tell Sean that this is exactly the event I've been waiting for to come back. Real Voldo, real Mina, real talk, probably real Popeyes knowing Philly's track record. I'm down.
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    Sorry about the other day man, I had neither skullgirls nor mic. I couldn't hear a thing you guys said.
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    No prob, I remember you having a mic previously so I invited you. Shame you don't have one.
    Technically I do still own one, it seems it has just vanished into the same void as my fugitive socks.
    hey are you going to be at jaxeldome this weekend?
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    I really want to, but it's my anniversary with my lady. Also I've stopped playing SC (haven't really played in a month or two) so I would just suuuuuuuuck. If you go say hi to people for me, haha.
    It's no big deal, I didn't need all that shit anyway.
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    You think anything you just did for the last ten hours MATTERED??
    While you were wasting your time slaughtering my troops my champion infiltrated your fortress! You have no hope of winning.
    What, you killed him? Oh he's small time, that doesn't even matter at all.
    Yo I got your message. You guys playing TF2 on PC now?
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    Yes sir! Go get yourself a Skype name or something so we can all chat during the smacks own that will ensue. I trust you to be present?
    Depends on the time but Id definetly like to get some games in w you guys. Dunno if Ill be able to talk over the mic much. My wife is a little wary of ppl online.
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    Wary of me? I'm a married man! But seriously, I understand if you can't but it'd be fun to laugh a little with you on chat. You know I'm good for it!
    Excellent matches, sir. I thank you. It gladdens me to know that I hath denied the People's Elbow at least once.
    How much for the Price of Justice?
    I hope it isn't too high. Siegfried is low on frames these days.
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    I will tell you the price tomorrow. I will be on SC and Reach for hours, I say!
    Excellente. We can riff through the level where Kat dies. Because lolKat.
    Yo Chuck, saw your inv on XBL yesterday but I still dont have a mic. Ill be on Steam later tonight if youd like to chat. Hows it been going?
    Dude, nice nice voldo. ChIlltown stand up.
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    Haha thank you. Let's get some more games in, I liked your Maxi too. I didn't mean to end up going for RO so much, but that's how it goes.
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