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  • So thrilled for Persona 5!
    yay for music, nay for dungeon uniforms + mc persona
    WHAAAAT? The thief masquerade-inspired uniforms are awesome! Plus, Arsene is so badass.
    Music IS awesome; I think it's like acid jazz or something like that.
    Yo Ryan, Lauren & I won't be going to King's Island this upcoming weekend, but the following weekend after that on Saturday the 16th will work best for us since Lauren & I have a wedding for her friend we are attending next weekend. Will that be alright with you my brother?
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    Hey Ryan, what time were you heading over for King's Island on Saturday? Lauren & I were thinking of leaving early in the morning around 8 or 9 am. Did you want to head over our place to meet up that morning, or did you want to head over & stay the night before on Friday my brother?
    I think it would be better if I arrived Friday night. I need to minimize getting up around 5 in the morning JUST to get ready and drive on down. Exhausting, LOL.
    No worries at all. I get out of work at 11 pm later on today which is now Friday, so you can head over around then, or a bit afterwards tonight. Catch you then my brother.
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message https://tinyurl.com/SUPPORTSCV and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    What will Soul Calibur: Army of Darkness, if confirmed, be like? Also, I have taken a liking to Persona and tarot readings.
    You lost your data a while back, right? Would you mind if I asked how it happened?
    There was a bad power outage at our place, and when the power came back on, *POOF*, it was gone. :(
    I'm back at 100% completion though, so it's all good.
    Ah, OK... I have an unrelated problem then, I just wanted to see what happened with you. Thanks.
    Looks like we're slated to battle. Good luck sir. Also, what happens to the winner and loser? I'm mega fresh to this all.
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