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  • Yo thanks for clearing that thread up. Kind of surprised you left Synraii's posts in there, most are just flaming. But yeah it's mostly a thankless task, so even though it's not worth much, thank you.
    Appreciate it man. I probably left some of Syn's posts because they were answering a previous post concerning a matchup.
    Forget everything I spoke of earlier. Several people talked me out of it so I guess I'm still stuck with this game until I figure out something else to do with my life.
    Oh ok. As long as you feel like you're sticking with it for the right reasons.
    i nreply to your post in Viola SA; yeah i agree. i t was a rough draft that provided character info. Her SG game is very good. i cant edit anything though due to errors. 33_99BB is going to be tough for viola. My motive though was to provide a simple analysis o nher , that way there wont be chaarcter ignorance. Thank you for putting that in.
    No problem. I just thought people looking for anti-Leixia info would be going about it the wrong way trying to JG everything.
    I just want to say how much I appreciate all of the work you've put into Talim, I can only hope to be as good as you and Kura some day!
    Zack! :D How've you been, broham?
    Yo Monica. Heh, things could be better, but I've been ok. Trying to do some animations while I'm on break. How's your life been going, girl?
    Busy with schoolan gaems. I graduate in September so everything's coming together, or I'm forcing it to. xD
    Yeah I hear ya. school's a pain, but at least you only got a few months left. do you have AIM or some kind of IM thing? I'm not always on, but I'm there more than 8wayrun chat.
    I haven't played SCIV in 3 weeks. How is Wednesday and/or Friday looking for you this week? I might be able to squeeze Thursday in there if neither of those work for you.
    Just watched a vid with you playing as Talim and I will continue to watch this vid over and over again till I understand just what exactley I just saw... You were excellent my friend : )
    Ok sorry if im bothering ya but I saw you know how to do the cancel double leap mind sharing that info I saw it on a youtube vid but he never explained how to do it. Also I saw you do a wind leap k that was block but instead of bouncing backward you went over them and followed it with a back kick which was awesome btw : ) do you mind sharing that aswell? : )
    No problem. The 2X windsault is a JF. You do windsault K and hit G at the moment her legs extend. This works if WS K is blocked too so you bounce forward and not backward. Once you cancel you can do any other move from WS. That's how the back kick thing happened. Did you comment on that vid?
    I did on part one and thank you for the info I know that ws cancel will improve my game for sure : )
    hey sorry about spamming you tonight.
    i wanted to win so i could play that other person "love####" and spam him/her because that person was spamming you like crazy and went the whole 5 matches with you so i thought i'd give it a try.

    nice Talim tho =D
    lol I'm sorry I'm having in home issues I'll be on after 5.00pm est and if your on my friend list we should be able tomorrow
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