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  • Hey !

    Thanks to give your feedback.
    This vid is quite old but ill take note about your analysis :)

    " After CR A+K on block you always did BB "
    What do you mean ? Cr A+K on block is unsafe and I cant cancel the Crane stance for doing BB.

    Ill do my best to push yunsung in the top level at the maximum !
    He is really low tier but with tough trainning can make something good.

    I need yun player help to improve match up before Cannes.
    Is you can thanks for your help on the forum.

    To be honest not many people know this caracter so we can use some unsafe thing to "steal" some matchs !
    On a tournament things is decided very quickly.

    Hope play with u on Cannes too !
    Hey, hast ja dieselbe Idee wie ich gehabt. bist ja ein Schlingel... holst dir hier einfach Tipps von den Experten ab ^^
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