Walks In, Notices You Dont Bring Anything To The Community, Shrugs, Walks Out.
Oh I'm not leaving. I'm just sick of dealing with the elitist condescension and the double-standards of this site. I've said everything that I need to say and that can be said. This community is simply an oppressive minority in denial.
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
Sorry to hear about this Thaeon... you're a really good poster and person..

A lot of members on this site are just hard core SC players and they've pretty much mastered the game, so all that's left is to flaunt their "skills" and beat down random people to establish divine dominance...
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
You have to realize, people who play video games "all day" and go travel to play "video games" at tournaments probably aren't the most socially adapted people.. Fenris case and point, will insult you no matter how rude or nice you are to him... It's just how he is, he's a random person on the internet with no gaming console and low social value.

Sadly the casuals are nicest. ><;
Sorry For Having Extra Income And Traveling To Socialize With Other People Who Share A Common Interest. It Must Be Hard Being A Girl Online Cause Clearly Your Insight Is Most Valued And Appreciated, Darrel.
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
Go up to a girl at the club and tell her "Yo girl! I don't play many games.. in fact I had to sell my console to make ends meet! What I do is I won 4 video game tournaments all with the same 16 people in it!"

I'm sure people outside your immediate friends circle honestly care about your gaming career! xD (Heavy sarcasm)
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
Also Fenris... Seeing how you interact with total strangers on this forum you don't know, you have Zero to no social value at all, I'm sorry man... You're like bottom tier guy-who-sits-in a basement.

Your end-game is becoming an established FGC player which everyone can later bash... Lol, I've seen it time and time again, video game tournaments are recreational, nothing more. =]
Sorry For Having Extra Income And Traveling To Socialize With Other People Who Share A Common Interest. It Must Be Hard Being A Girl Online Cause Clearly Your Insight Is Most Valued And Appreciated, Darrel.
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
I have extra income, I'm traveling to Austin Texas tmrw for Spring break vacation... You think I'm going there to play video games with angry nerds like yourself? LOL HELL NO!!

I'm going to party and have a great time with friends... =] Btw, you don't have extra income, since you had to "sell your console for money", so that's a lie!