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  1. ZombieHeadShots

    Hey y'all quick question!

    Not sure if the community is still strong since the release of SCV (ouch! haha i kid, a little) but I decided to check in and also ask a question. Why is your main character your main? Interesting background, frame rate factor, beginner friendly, etc. When I first picked up Mortal Kombat...
  2. ZombieHeadShots

    What's with the cocky fresh meat?

    (I agree cocky & fresh meat fit too perfectly in one sentence) So with SCV just around the corner, I've crossed a lot of new players (based on usernames I'm not familiar with though they could just be second accounts) online and a few pledge themselves as "elite" & see others as noobs. Sadly...
  3. ZombieHeadShots

    A fresh new start for some?

    With SCV on the way and SCIV coming to a close, are there new or returning players ready to make an imprint in the SC community? New players: What type of experience do you wish to have for SCV? What impression would you like to leave during the SCV era? Returning players: What impression...
  4. ZombieHeadShots

    Five things you won't & will miss from SCIV

    (Please direct me if there is a similiar post) Will miss... 1.Ivy not being beginner friendly 2.All the old school characters being replaced (but I understand why) (couldn't think of three more but will post when I do) Won't miss... 1.Online match system 2.The Kick ZombieHeadShots bandwagon...
  5. ZombieHeadShots

    Nutrition lables!

    Just wondering if any 8WR members are health conscious towards their diet or overall health. Do you make an effort on buying only natural and/or organic products? Are you a vegan/vegetarian? About year ago is when I really started thinking about what I'm actually eating, in terms of how it's...
  6. ZombieHeadShots

    How do you deal with haters?

    I'm not asking in need for advice, just out of curiosity on how well (or not well) you deal with the haters. I brought this up because (surprise surprise) I had an individual send me some hate mail after our SCIV battle. I basically explained to them their tantrum wasn't needed, that avoidance...
  7. ZombieHeadShots

    Ivy's hubby?

    Soooooooooooooooooooo I found this guy's gay erotic art blog & I immediately found his work amazing & of course pretty damn sexy. His work is heavily inspired by video games like Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption, Street Fighter & a few others. But when I came across this drawing...
  8. ZombieHeadShots

    First play on Soul Calibur

    Sorry if this has been posted before or should be posted somewhere else :/ I remember I walked inside EBgames & the gamecube was running a fighter game (hence Soul Calibur II) I was watching the two guys play against each other & decided to wait in line to play. My first pick was Link & I did...
  9. ZombieHeadShots

    How's the new year so far?

    My year is looking real busy. But I'll always have time for some gaming :D Probably not so much when I start school in the Fall, but when SCV comes out, OMG!