
  1. Biko

    Biko's Chamber of Lost Souls

    Hey everyone, my name is Niko! I'm very excited to show you guys my extensive collection of characters I created in SC6! I hope you guys like them :) Starting off small, with some of my favorite creations: The Jungle Fury Spirit Rangers Shark Spirit Ranger Elephant Spirit Ranger...
  2. F

    SC6: Issues with Stickers and other things.

    Okay, so, this is more of an article to be posted on the soulcalibur and producer's twitter so they know these issues and hopefully address them in a future patch. Feel free to add issues that aren't here, or talk about your feelings on the matter, though. While there are some 'nice to have'...
  3. Draggonnfs

    Draggonnfs' SCVI Creations

    Hello folks, it's finally here! And I'm back to post my creations, but otherwise I won't be very active here on 8WR. SCVI's CaS is in all honesty disappointing to me so far. All the missing equipment, stickers are fucked up, belts, some hats and shoulder pads still float 10 cm away from the...
  4. Psykai

    Kai's Kreation Korner

    Decided to make a thread where I post random creations in SCVI. Won't be much for a while until they give us moar CaS parts. I don't have many OCs except the ones I'll be sharing below but I have a couple of ideas for more. Many of my creations will probably end up being recreating old...
  5. Draggonnfs

    Draggonnfs' CaS - SCV, SCIV, SCBD, SCIII

    Alright, for a while I was thinking about making my own lil' creation thread, but I was too lazy to take all the screenshots, create the thread, blah, blah. Well, now I finally did it. As if there weren't enough CaS threads on 8wr... I love creation in Soul Calibur, and if SCV didn't have...