1.04 Wishlist

Haha a lot of people want the good ol' Raph back! Myself included. Yeah this game kinda screwed him over. Oh well, he's still one of my favorite characters along with Voldo and Lizardman, I just wish Namco would give him some more ring out potential. I'll give him one thing though, he's a beast with Critical Finish potential!! 11B and Prep A+B ftw!!
-Stance change from Tira's Gloomy to jolly happens a lot more frequently than the other way around.
-Increase stun length on Tira's 4A:A (both stances) and make it unescapable. (I mean for such a difficult move to master it should have some advantages.
-Decrease pushback on Tira's 4A+B on hit
-Decrease Hilde's Ring Out potential
-Decrease Hilde's throw strength
-Crank out the duct tape, Algol needs to be fixed
-Overall, this game has waayy too much vertical tracking, for some characters. Like Mitsurugi can't be sidestepped to save lives.
-How about some more outfits?
-Hilde's 30 Seconds unblockables should be reduced to 10 seconds... no im kidding.