8WR December Online Tournaments - In Progress

It was a bad night for me to play. My daughter was watching minecraft videos on YouTube. :P. I'm on every night after about 9. Tonight maybe earlier.
Cool and no problem, my brothers tend to lag my gameplay a lot -_- tomorrow night maybe? today i'm really tired
This is kind of a bad week for me because it's finals week, but I should be able to squeeze my matches in. If the people I'm up against can PM me ahead of time with when they're okay to play it'd be great.
I am fucking miserable but the show must go on. Let me know when you can play. I'd prefer the 12th in hopes that I'll be recovering by then. Otherwise, I'll be blowing snot bubbles during matches and doing shots of Robitussin in between. Meh, with my playing it may be an improvement. I was seeing tracers the other night and got more JF's than ever. Drugs.
OOF 3 Leet 1

GGs Leet, you have some nice strats with Natsu!


All right Oof, I was wondering why you sent me a random friend request.

I was hoping it was something like........ "Oh hey, HRD is back on XBL, I really like that guy. I want to play him and be friends and shit."

But no....it really went

"HAHAHAHA 1 down several to go. Whos ass do I rape next? AAAHHH HRD....Come here little boy, lemme hear you squeel like a pig!!"

And here I thought we were friends.....LOL
I've heard nothing from IRM. I'm gonna be shaking the cobwebs off tonight. Hope to give you a run for your money. Look for me tomorrow after 7pm CST or shoot me a message anytime.
waiting on opty.

Ummm, you need to message me on this site. I hardly go on PSN during the week.

We can play on friday 7pm or later. Saturday i guess.

Just reminding you: i am still using my neighbor's internet (such a sweet girl). Right now i am having issues with actually connectiong to "sony entertainment network". I will try to fix it.