A+B Is Retarded

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I don't think there is a difference between Poe/Pie A+B other than the window. I guess that whole "ease of use" thing is showing up here....

I find it much, much easier to do Pie's perfect frame 236B:4. I wouldn't trade that thing for Poe's any day, though - Poe gets RO, more damage and wall splats on :4. Even though the timing is easier for one at least that move has different properties, right?
I think you're the only person that calls those characters by those dumb names. Just call one Omega, the other: Pyrrha
More A+B bait, courtesy of Hilde:
  • second hit of C3B; combo with A,K follow-up
  • second hit of C3A; combo with 236B:4
Both of these can also be JG'd, but I'm a fan of making things as easy as possible. IIRC, at the most you lose maybe 3 points of damage by using A+B instead. You can also punish C2B on block with 236B:4 if the Hilde player is fond of just throwing it out.
What determines whether a move is a thrust move or not?

seriously, what? There is so LITTLE discussion and explanation about this move I have no idea what it catches and what it doesn't. The rough descriptions here are OK but obviously not iron clad as I ate a shit ton of "non thrust" moves last night. I think anyway... this isn't DARK SOULS, what the fuck is a thrust and how do i tell? There's no indication for some non-obvious thrust move.

A+B Explained needs to be its own thread or something or people need to talk about it a whole lot more. Maybe it's useless as some people think but lets determine that first with data of some kind...
Kane you're really good at this obsessive kinda research in all FGs, could you do a writeup this please : - )
There is precisely nothing charming about a hipster.

I'm a hipster? Hmm..

seriously, what? There is so LITTLE discussion and explanation about this move I have no idea what it catches and what it doesn't. The rough descriptions here are OK but obviously not iron clad as I ate a shit ton of "non thrust" moves last night. I think anyway...

Thrust moves are usually stabs and many kicks (not all kicks). You will have to experiment. It is somewhat obvious when a move looks "stabby" and when it doesn't. If you see a wide weapon trail.... well, that's not a thrust move. Kicks are a little more difficult to tell, but not much more difficult.

The idea in using things like A+B is to use them on anticipation - not necessarily to just be able to throw them out randomly or immediately on reaction to non-thrusty things. It is another option but it certainly isn't a defense you mount by itself. For example, if you have an opponent that likes to try to punish everything with BB then you have a great use for A+B. If you have no idea what they're about to do..... well, it doesn't matter if you know stabby vs normal as you have no idea what you're trying to catch, anyway. Another example would be Yoshimitsu/Mitsurugi's bullet cutter moves (4KB - front kick to overhead chop) where you can block the kick and expect the overhead - *pow* A+B it.

The only really offensive aGI is Yoshimitsu's A+K. It has an offensive hitbox of its own and you'll often see trades or counterhit stuns before the aGI ever even comes out.
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