α Patroklos General Discussion/ Q&A

No you misundertand: if the guage is flashing red (REGARDLESS of how far into red they are) it guard crushes. That's the deal, lol.*

*Let ke double check that in the morning. It was certainly the case prepatch, itshouldn't have changed but I'll check.
What's the best follow up after a guard crush from ag:B? Because that move has a lot of recovery.
I normally do:
236 3B, 214 3B:B -
- If near a wall 214B:B BE instead, 22BA, ag:B wall combo.
- If midscreen JF Twister, JF Twister
- If it will kill and I want to swag out, CE whenever and CARVE DAT FATE, lol.

If however I know my opponent will mash on left tech after any given knockdown (which a surprising number of good players will) and I have caught high level players with this before post guard crush:
66B, backstep, 8A+BB, 2A BE, delay 1B:B, 1B:B, 214 3B:B, JF Twister, JF Twister.
Mind you, this is only going to hit a player with a brain once, even in longer sets. Certainly worth testing the waters with now and again on a hit 66B in open play but only do it in a guard crush situation if you know they will be dumb enough to tech.
How do you do ag:B with no assist keys? I can only do it without assist keys by buffering from another move. Otherwise I get the non-JF version.
typically people only tech left or right vs alpha, but it tags back tech as well for a full combo.

as for agb without binds its easy on stick, lol. just do agB, theres no trick to it really. :/
OK, I'm not getting agB JF version without binds. What is the "theoretically correct" input? Do I need to release G before B?

My layout is

OK, I'm not getting agB JF version without binds. What is the "theoretically correct" input? Do I need to release G before B?

My layout is

Yes you have to release B before you hit G. It's difficult to time on controller, and I assume even harder on stick. I believe it just has to be really fast. on your layout you may want to try using two hands like A, G then press B with your other hand. That's how I would do it.
If I do 4214G, it looks like I get a bit of backdash, sidestep and TC, and it cancels quicker into guard than backdash or sidestep. Does it actually?
But in what situations?
After getting hit by Pat CE is a good one.

EDIT: For those who don't know, when in a face down feet toward or face up head toward state, you're considered BT, and you can enter a standing BT state by waking up with A+B+K.
I dont think i projected mythoughts well I mean:

Where is it practically viable?
Waking up BT is slow and 8A+B doesn't evade well in its early frames so its only useable in weak oki, which is a chance for alpha to push his own offence with wakeup twister threat. Also you are doing two things:
1. Handing the opponent free space to control.
2. Putting yourself in a position where you have to push in again.

It may be explorable for gimmick value but with a character like alpha, who needs gimmicks?
I may be proven wrong in time, but it sounds a waste of time to explore to me as its counterintuitive to his general strategy imo.
Yeah, wakeup BT tactics are generally gimmicky in that they can always be countered if the opponent just runs up and attacks, but it's a matter of judgment. If the opponent runs up and does something stupid that can mean a free BT B+K:B combo as well. It's not as good for aPat as it is for some other characters (ones with durr BT moves like Cerv/Ezio/Mitsu/Asta), but it's about as risky as wakeup JFTs, which, while generally inadvisable, have their use.

Besides, if everyone just wanted to stick to solid, basic tactics, nobody would play any character besides Pyrrha, and no one wants that.