A tale of souls and swords, eternally retold (SC6 edition)


[14] Master
Dear 8wayrunners and fellow CAS artists,

It was heart-breaking to let go of my previous thread, because it was a sizeable chunk of my life, riddled with emotions and good memories, but i opted for a clean slate...
As all of you, i am getting up to speed with the editor, it does take time and patience, and can be as rewarding as frustratingly time consuming. I see great potential in it though, huge potential tbh, with a bit more ExEq and bug fixes eg. i can't make the battle comments work in-game, can you ?

I have been listening to previous advice from my good man Windupskeleton, and will (try) to post 2 or 3 CAS regularly to make room for comments and discussion, questions...

What i have on offer for now is a tryptic of CAS :

-An OC, CROM! based on the Conan Universe using the new race option, because who doesn't love Arnie
-An Azwel edit called Barba Rossa, because i find the Cervantes costumes extremely uninspired and Azwel's face so piratey, so i used this for a cross-cast twist :)
-An RC based on the Witcher lore (Yennefer von Vengerberg)

A few bonus pics from my first ranked win with CROM! (very close one at that)

Enjoy !
Crom: It's been a VERY long time since my eyes have seen such a great CaS. The new tribal gear compliments his barbaric look so well, it's amazing!!

Barba-Rossa: You're actually right 'bout that beard of his, reminds me of Jack Sparrow😂😂. Very good one and nice color combination azwel (yes, pun intended, sorry).

Yennefer: She's on igni (on fire)!! I've seen quite a bit of Ciris here and there and i've grown tired, so it's nice to see Yenn for a change!
All 3 are great, looking forward to more :)
Crom: It's been a VERY long time since my eyes have seen such a great CaS. The new tribal gear compliments his barbaric look so well, it's amazing!!

Barba-Rossa: You're actually right 'bout that beard of his, reminds me of Jack Sparrow😂😂. Very good one and nice color combination azwel (yes, pun intended, sorry).

Yennefer: She's on igni (on fire)!! I've seen quite a bit of Ciris here and there and i've grown tired, so it's nice to see Yenn for a change!
All 3 are great, looking forward to more :)

Why thanks !

About Crom :
i am very pleased by your comments and how he turned out (badass :) : i love how using the new cast gear helps you rethink and improve on previous formulas.

And in reply to you SpellcraftQuill i used the back of the weird leather glasses a la mad max for the circlet, rest being carefully hidden in the hair* (snake skin pattern to match the sock-shoes). Remember the giant snakes in the Conan movie.
Also The tattoos mimic those of Arnie before one of the iconic fights in the movie (not picture perfect, but close enough).
I managed to add a few details here and there which guys like brucege will surely spot, hint : there are other non-standard constructs in his gear because ya know, i never let a single ExEq slot go to waste :)

About Barba Rossa :
yup i worked a lot on the colors before being satisfied, he has been travelling the world and hunting croc as you can see on the shoulder pads (captain hook anyone ?), it allowed me to add a touch of green while preserving thematic coherence :)
ps : i did the azwel joke first in a previous post, i love puns, carry on my friend !

About Yennefer : funny you mention that, i tried Ciri at first but wasn't really satisfied, and in the game i liked the somber Yennefer much more, too bad there isn't any way to do anything flurry on offer (believe me, i tried, nothing at all, only Tira has something feathery). I had to use all kinds of stickers on her, and all ExEq on getting her hair right (because, ya know, the raccoon city incident :)

* : always think about resizing / positioning ExEq : it can help you conceal part of it and produce astonishing new and completely different ExEq, or use only the part of it you need like for Crom. The fact there isn't even a sphere in the basic 3D shapes is kinda lame...
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Why thanks !

About Crom :
i am very pleased by your comments and how he turned out (badass :) : i love how using the new cast gear helps you rethink and improve on previous formulas.

And in reply to you SpellcraftQuill i used the back of the weird leather glasses a la mad max for the circlet, rest being carefully hidden in the hair* (snake skin pattern to match the sock-shoes). Remember the giant snakes in the Conan movie.
Also The tattoos mimic those of Arnie before one of the iconic fights in the movie (not picture perfect, but close enough).
I managed to add a few details here and there which guys like brucege will surely spot, hint : there are other non-standard constructs in his gear because ya know, i never let a single ExEq slot go to waste :)

About Barba Rossa :
yup i worked a lot on the colors before being satisfied, he has been travelling the world and hunting croc as you can see on the shoulder pads (captain hook anyone ?), it allowed me to add a touch of green while preserving thematic coherence :)
ps : i did the azwel joke first in a previous post, i love puns, carry on my friend !

About Yennefer : funny you mention that, i tried Ciri at first but wasn't really satisfied, and in the game i liked the somber Yennefer much more, too bad there isn't any way to do anything flurry on offer (believe me, i tried, nothing at all, only Tira has something feathery). I had to use all kinds of stickers on her, and all ExEq on getting her hair right (because, ya know, the raccoon city incident :)

* : always think about resizing / positioning ExEq : it can help you conceal part of it and produce astonishing new and completely different ExEq, or use only the part of it you need like for Crom. The fact there isn't even a sphere in the basic 3D shapes is kinda lame...
You're welcome :)
I was pretty much an ExEq addict in SCV so i relate to that hehe.😅

Another thing that i also find interesting and i agree with is that indeed, even though the creator comes with limitations (which i personally like as i love to challenge myself with few things), you can do wonders if you're creative!
You're welcome :)
I was pretty much an ExEq addict in SCV so i relate to that hehe.😅

Another thing that i also find interesting and i agree with is that indeed, even though the creator comes with limitations (which i personally like as i love to challenge myself with few things), you can do wonders if you're creative!

We are on the same page here (both fig. and litt) and i love your puns...just noticed the igni one, witcher lore hehe
Yennyfer: Very cool hair build. I also like how you used subtle makeup to bring out her cheekbones. Excellent recreation.

Barba Rossa: Azwel’s really got the lean, mean look of a pirate. Much better than Cervantes. That pipe is actually pretty cool. I like how it looks like he’s actually chewing on it in the second picture. It looks like a horn + Voldo chin. The high detail equipment choices go very well with the pirate theme. And of course, every pirate must be prepared with a small derringer. I do tend to favor somewhat simpler designs, but I know that you favor a vibrant, colorful style with both your art and your CaS. Plus it also goes with Azwel’s dual color scheme.

Crom: Magnificent. I love the complicated tattoo work. It carries the detail throughout the whole body. The long hair and scanty armor make for quite a formidable look. I’ve barely even looked at the male CaS parts, but it looks like you made a custom jewel for his chest with something. Apple, possibly. Also a drinking horn. Of course the circlet is also a nice touch. You might scare away some of the new talent with your highly technical creations, so try to take it easy on them... jk. let them suffer :P
You still have that keen scientific eye my friend, glad you noticed the makeup part on Yenn

Your reviews are still damn accurate and a guilty pleasure to read for me : the chewing expressing comes from the fact i change expressions in the viewing mode for some shots (pretty neat feature if you ask me)...pipe is actually 2 volvo chin ExEq :)
Only thing you might have missed is the dual colored hat to match the dual color magic...maybe ?

Crom : yup, apple it is, with watery texture, fits in nicely into the neck piece. Tattoo work took loooooong time to get right, so i am glad you guys love it.
Lol, and you know, i am kinda waiting for new and great stuff from you now :)
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