All Purpose Hypothetical Super Soul Calibur 5 Thread

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How you want it, not people, is your opinion not everyone's opinion...SC4 engine was the worst by far and SC3 had too many glitches if you knew even a little about SC you will be requesting SC2 engine. Casuals...
How you want it, not people, is your opinion not everyone's opinion...SC4 engine was the worst by far and SC3 had too many glitches if you knew even a little about SC you will be requesting SC2 engine. Casuals...

are you talking about online? If so i'll agree with sc4 remark but sc3 wasn't played online.... and don't the engines change because of the technology? Offline i don't see the problem with any of the engines....
are you talking about online? If so i'll agree with sc4 remark but sc3 wasn't played online.... and don't the engines change because of the technology? Offline i don't see the problem with any of the engines....
wai wat?? tell me you are kidding plz!!! Holy God! why I'm gonna talk about online? whaa wahh :S can't even answer such a question :S do you know something about fighting games?
Ashlotte was the only guest I ever tolerated because she had a fantastic character design. And, speaking of people wielding large axes, is there a chance of Astaroth ever not being in a Soul Calibur game? Considering he can be mass produced I mean. Of all the characters I feel have run their course he's the one I want gone. I prefer Rock to Asta any day.
How you want it, not people, is your opinion not everyone's opinion...SC4 engine was the worst by far and SC3 had too many glitches if you knew even a little about SC you will be requesting SC2 engine. Casuals...
I meant that they go back to the original gameplay people were at least content with. SC2 seemed to be that, though when I said they might as well remake SC4 it atleast was far better design wise and actually had a noticable plot involving all the characters at some point where as all the games before it just had the characters all fight the same boss but then act as if nothing happened. Please cut the "blame the casuals" card, that shit's getting old. We're all on the same side in the end. I just want a complete game meaning a solid Single player as well since that IS what the game is on the most basic level of designwhen taking away the fluff which online is.
Ashlotte was the only guest I ever tolerated because she had a fantastic character design. And, speaking of people wielding large axes, is there a chance of Astaroth ever not being in a Soul Calibur game? Considering he can be mass produced I mean. Of all the characters I feel have run their course he's the one I want gone. I prefer Rock to Asta any day.
Everyone loved Ashlotte(By that I mean no one hated her), but sadly, the cult that made him won't give up. Rock will most likely be replaced by Bangoo or something.
wai wat?? tell me you are kidding plz!!! Holy God! why I'm gonna talk about online? whaa wahh :S can't even answer such a question :S do you know something about fighting games?

yes i believe you press buttons..... to play... and a stick ... you also need a console...

Are you implying you're a Game Designer? If so for which company?
I said go back to the original gameplay, cut the "blame the casuals" card, that shit's getting old. We're all on the same side in the end. I just want a complete game meaning Single player as that IS what the game is when taking away the fluff which online is.
exactly your argument is invalid cause you are criticizing the game as a whole but your whining is about SP mode therefore casuals... a tournament player wouldn't give a flying fuck about SP mode cause we care about a balance, deep gameplay.
SCIII was the most glitch fill piece of shit ever. The glitches were game breaking. >.<
Anyone who thinks SCIII was a balanced game is an idiot. Even if you don't include the glitches that game was not balanced at all. And you all bitch about SCV Mitsurugi.
SCIII was the most glitch fill piece of shit ever. The glitches were game breaking. >.<
Anyone who thinks SCIII was a balanced game is an idiot. Even if you don't include the glitches that game was not balanced at all. And you all bitch about SCV Mitsurugi.
Just take 4B out of Mitsu and he is fine
SCIII was the most glitch fill piece of shit ever. The glitches were game breaking. >.<
Anyone who thinks SCIII was a balanced game is an idiot. Even if you don't include the glitches that game was not balanced at all. And you all bitch about SCV Mitsurugi.
And Viola. Don't forget about her.
I love people saying sc5 is a failure because they didn't get to grind story mode. GTFO. This is a fighting game, not a RPG.
Please don't get me started. It may not be an RPG but we're all mad because everyone who wasn't included was empty. But that isn't what made it(alone) a failure(If you consider it one that is).
Please don't get me started. It may not be an RPG but we're all mad because everyone who wasn't included was empty. But that isn't what made it(alone) a failure(If you consider it one that is).

What the fuck are you even trying to say? "everyone who wasn't included was empty"? What the fuck?
What the fuck are you even trying to say? "everyone who wasn't included was empty"? What the fuck?
I think he means that the story is bad by default just because their favorite character didn't have much of a role in it. Because apparently a story can suck cause it didn't have 28 people in it. >.<
exactly your argument is invalid cause you are criticizing the game as a whole but your whining is about SP mode therefore casuals... a tournament player wouldn't give a flying fuck about SP mode cause we care about a balance, deep gameplay.
its invalid because? I argue what is mutually agreed upon. Gameplay is widely debatable which means that I cant just say I want the engine to be (x) when others would say there should be a bit of (y) or neither but I guess tournament players never think that far and like to argue obnoxiously and bitch about subjective experiences differing in each fight they have right? True gamers.
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