All Purpose Hypothetical Super Soul Calibur 5 Thread

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I personally like the brave edge system a whole lot and want Daishi to stay. The main complaint the game gets is for the story mode and fan favorites missing. I personally love the brave and critical edge system. Daishi had good ideas, just time constraints because of Namco's bitchin' made it poorly executed.

I did say demote.... as opposed to removing him completely from the picture.. and i too like the brave edge and critical edge ... so i totally agree with you concerning that part
I really don't think he's entirely to blame. I believe that he does actually care; he's working the tourney scene hard and I think its because he knows that is how to bolster the popularity of a fighting game in Japan, which is where Namco will look first for progress. I think he got shafted by upper management and just not given the time to do things right. That's just my take on it anyway.

My opinion on what they should do.. put back the missing characters that don't have analogs, as I said. They probably shouldn't change story mode but they should finish it at least, incorperating what they had and the info from the Japanese SCV artbook, if not as arcade endings then perhaps in a museum mode where you could look it up. Include all the 1p/2p equipment that they didn't finish releasing, and re-open the Cepheus store with more stuff down the line. And they should examine all the info they've gathered through all the tourney's theyve done so far and consult with top name players to balance the hell out of the new and existing characters. The Super version should also come as a standalone release as well as a reduced price DLC upgrade for those of us who bought the game already.

I think that scenario would quiet just about all the complaints. It wont satisfy everyone, obviously, but short of a whole new game that's really about the best we could expect from them.

ok.. ill give Daishi the benefit of the doubt.... and yeah totally with you on the rest of your thoughtscapes.
I meant that they go back to the original gameplay people were at least content with. SC2 seemed to be that, though when I said they might as well remake SC4 it atleast was far better design wise and actually had a noticable plot involving all the characters at some point where as all the games before it just had the characters all fight the same boss but then act as if nothing happened. Please cut the "blame the casuals" card, that shit's getting old. We're all on the same side in the end. I just want a complete game meaning a solid Single player as well since that IS what the game is on the most basic level of designwhen taking away the fluff which online is.
Do the people of PS and Namco read anything on this forum? Just curious, not ranting or anything here.
Do the people of PS and Namco read anything on this forum? Just curious, not ranting or anything here.
Well they do read some, if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure about this particular thread (Even if they could definitely learn something from it). Developers usually do some snooping once in a while for criticism.
I love people saying sc5 is a failure because they didn't get to grind story mode. GTFO. This is a fighting game, not a RPG.
If we're both up to date here, we should be fully aware that they have more then enough disc space to assure us that this is to be a basic part of what completes the game, fighting or not. As games evolve, production for them can to. You can accept graphical improvements? I can accept characterization.
Uhh..."Super" Soul Calibur V? Get that Capcom influenced shit out of here, man.

I just want some balance changes (aka Raphael buffs), simply because it wouldn't be far from possible.

All they have to do is make a title like SCBD and call it a day. Maybe using some reference to the time skip, it's not that hard to do.

I honestly just want them to tone down Viola & Mitsurugi, everyone is fine in my opinion.

(Viola was fine damage wise prepatch and while not practical, those TOD combos wouldnt do as much damage as of now. Mitsurugi just needs like 7 damage points reduced on every move, he's way too strong for all that.)
I'm totally ok with Viola's damage. People only complain because her mixups are a little hard to deal with. Once you know her gimmicks you can shut her down completely. On the other hand, no amount of matchup knowledge will make Mitsurugi easier to deal with...

As for the TOD combos, those are HARD to do. Think about it, how often do you see those done successfully in thier entirety (4 BEs)? I think a player should be rewarded with winning a round if they can pull that off. Plus, Algol, Astaroth and plenty of other characters are capable of 200+ damage combos on 4 BEs. Why is Viola getting singled out?

Besides maybe a buff to Raphael, i think the game is pretty well balanced. I HATE Mitsurugi but keep his damage the same. I think every fighting game needs THAT character, the one everyone hates. Besides, he's not OP. If he was, Mitsu would have won pretty much every tournament, and I've seen a pretty decent mix of tournament winners so far.
The only thing I would like to have fixed is hitboxes and tracking (not just on Mitsu, but EVERYONE). It's a little annoying stepping a move and still getting hit when youre facing perpendicular to your opponent, and him swinging at the air in front of you is enough to kill you.
Balance wise, I wish they'd make air control better and get rid of the meter cost of the standard GIs. Its way too easy to juggle someone to death with many characters. I know combo scaling is still in but some characters can still get you off the ground and take way over half your health before you land again.
I think improvements need to be made to the Just Guard system. Its difficult to do at first, yes, but when you get into the routine of JG'ing it becomes very easy to do against characters with weak strings (Nightmare, Asta, Sieg, etc.). I recognize so many of Astaroth's animations that i'm almost never on frame disadvantage against him because I can just JG. Combine that with decent grab breaks and he's destroyed. The old parry system wasn't perfect but I think it was better.
Sounds perfect. Being able to GI freely was some stupid shit. But if you're at least losing something (meter) i'd be ok with that.
My alternative to that would be that GI would be free but if they fail the GI and get hit during the whiffed GI window that hit is a CH. That's only if they wanted to make GI free. So you have to think before you just throw out a GI.
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