All Purpose Hypothetical Super Soul Calibur 5 Thread

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Some ideas I don't think many people have said:
  • Brave edge version of every move instead of just a few. BE versions of simple poke attacks could get faster recoveries or something similar to Ezio's B B BE where additional attacks are added.
  • A new stat called "Edge" or "Meter" which shows how well a character builds meter. Also, all characters are re-balanced around this stat. So for example, Astaroth, who has extremely powerful BEs would have significantly lower meter-building ability than, say, Yoshimitsu, who would then build meter very quickly. The shorter a creation character is, the more of this stat they have.
  • A new stat called "Soul" which shows how much a character can take before being Soul Crushed. Once again, characters would be re-balanced around this new stat, with Viola and Natsu, for example, having very little soul in comparison to heavier characters like Astaroth or Aeon. Unlike Edge, creation characters would not get any more of this stat by being taller.
Creation improvements:
  • At least double how many stickers can be put on creation parts.
  • Make the underwear color selection normal.
  • Increase special equipment limit to 5.
  • Increase maximum character/edit capacity to 100.
  • Allow uploading characters in a similar way to replays, including other players being able to download characters.
  • Allow the making of Soul of Ezio characters.
  • More areas on certain pieces of armor that can have their color changed.
  • A layer system for shooting photos which allows for front and back frames to be positioned and stacked up to 10 times. There would also be a layer with your character on it which can be put more into the foreground or background as you please.
  • A "find replay" functionality similar to TTT2's which allows players to search for replays based on what characters are featured and other criteria.
  • Increase soul link capacity to 6.
  • Divide colosseo regions by continent rather than city and increase their capacity to 500 or whatever is necessary/possible (the chat being crowded is addressed next)
  • Lobbies in the colosseo can now use voice chat along with text chat and are given as many host options as player matches.
  • Lobbies now have a vote kick system, with ~60% of players in the lobby needing to vote to kick for it to work.
  • Full 2-hour story modes for every character with at least the voice-acted story-boards like what were primarily featured in the current story mode. Those were actually decent, imo; it's the voice acting that counts, not really the 3D animated scenes.
  • Brave edge version of every move instead of just a few. BE versions of simple poke attacks could get faster recoveries or something similar to Ezio's B B BE where additional attacks are added.

That would take so much developer time and be sooooo pointless.
  • Allow the making of Soul of Ezio characters.
That would be wonderful but it's extremely unlikely, there would be too many legal issues and editing. I believe his hidden blade and gun are trademarked so they would have to remove and replace quite a few moves. Also as a general rule, the guests are no touchy-touchy when it comes to Creation Mode and this time around you can't even re-color Ezio. He didn't even get his Armor of Brutus.
In that vein, though, I do really want Soul of Algol characters. I'd learn his style but I don't like him at all.
10 suggestions, roughly in order of how much I want them:

1. Talim
2. Zas
3. 2-3 new characters with new styles
4. Rebalancing
5. Individual arcade mode story endings (nothing flashy needed, just something lol)
6. A few more offline modes (team battle especially, if they could do a nice bonus mode like Weapon Master or Chronicles of the Sword I'd be ecstatic)
7. The ability to turn off equipment destruction for your character in creation or to set which pieces can break and which are indestructable.
8. Ability to at least color edit Damp
9. Ability to make Soul of Algol CaS
10. More CaS parts

xbox players can do ezio cas :p

Erm, I can't. Am I missing something?

Also, 11. Ability to make Ezio CaS.
10 suggestions, roughly in order of how much I want them:
7. The ability to turn off equipment destruction for your character in creation or to set which pieces can break and which are indestructable.
I don't know why they don't just allow you to set it... It would be so easy given how the system actually works... (You have your main outfit, an automatically set 'broken' outfit, then those again but for missing-DLC players... all saved in the character data)
Making that tick-box should be as easy as copypasting some equipment bytes a few lines down is for me...
9. Ability to make Soul of Algol CaS
Erm, I can't. Am I missing something?
Also, 11. Ability to make Ezio CaS.

I feel they were planning to allow Algol CaSs, as they bothered to create a "Soul of... AHLGOOOUL" voice clip, unlike Ezio CaSs who don't have any announcer-clip-thingy at all.
Either way, you're missing that-which-must-not-be-named-hex-editing-save-games... although an Algol CaS has a few complications, but they're easily overcome if you put some effort in. ^^
I'm surprised you haven't come across any such things online...
its like changing 2 numbers Kappa

4 for Ezio if you want to do things properly, and at least 8 for Algol if you want to do that properly... >.> Honestly...
It's not how many things you have to change, it's which, where... learning what does what... That's what takes the effort.
I dunno if this is the thread for it, but I think that JG is actually a brilliant inclusion to this series. It helps add another layer of depth to the mindgame of SC. But it can be pretty broken at times; seeing things like JG-ing a CE after being GI'd or JGing a tech trap. I think if they toned it down so that you can't JG at points where you'd be unable to guard otherwise, it would be fine.

Oh and throw Talim/Mina/Yun/Zas in there.
you just need to change random code to ezio style 2 numbers :P

ZeroEffect317 : dont forget about the ROCK Kappa
I dunno if this is the thread for it, but I think that JG is actually a brilliant inclusion to this series. It helps add another layer of depth to the mindgame of SC. But it can be pretty broken at times; seeing things like JG-ing a CE after being GI'd or JGing a tech trap. I think if they toned it down so that you can't JG at points where you'd be unable to guard otherwise, it would be fine.
If it were like that and the window for it was smaller it would be a fine mechanic.
Window is fine honestly. There's ways around it. I just disagree with guaranteed setups being taken away due to an oversight
The main thing I don't like is that it seems to just make frame advantage pointless since you can option select JG. I want it to have some kid of risk to it but I wasn't going to talk about that. I don't think that something so powerful should be able to be done so easily. If it's going to make my frame advantage not even matter at least have it be more difficult to do.

I know you could just throw, do a low, or delay whatever you're doing to counter JG but you might not be close enough for the first option. Who even has good fast lows that give advantage on hit for the second? You're giving up your frame advantage with the third option.
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