Amazing 3D Soul Calibur art and more (LARGE IMAGES)


[09] Warrior
Hi everyone, I go by the name Ryu-Gi. I'm actually a bit of a casual SC player, but I've come to respect this site a lot since I've loved the Soul Series ever since SC2 on the Gamecube.

Anyways, I'd like to start by sharing some of my 3D work based off of Soul Calibur-mostly featuring Ivy. These pictures were made using the game "Garry's Mod", a sandbox game where you can do things such as pose ragdolls of characters, build working contraptions, engage in FPS combat, and more.

I have more like this on my DeviantArt page, check it out.












I've also drawn some stuff, too.


OMG YASSS this is what story mode in SCIV should have looked like! Really, if she was wearing her SCV outfit and someone posted this and said it was a leaked screenshot from the upcoming game I would have totally believed it~

*refuses to make tentacle porn joke*
Really though, all of this stuff is fantastic! Keep up the great work.
Yeah, I'd like to work with other SC characters, but from what I've heard it's really hard to port the characters into Gmod. And, there are some people who have the other models who aren't sharing them for whatever purpose.

Apart from Ivy, Nightmre 2p, and Tira, there are models for Taki, Vader and Yoda. There's also Rock, Talim, Shura, but most of them are lacking face and fingerposing, so I haven't been using them.

I've seen other people using Cassandra and Sophitia, but they're not sharing them...supposedly because the originally person who ported them isn't ready to release them for some reason, even if they look like they've been ready for over half a year...
Those are good renders, and drawings too. There's always been some things with bugs me about Gmod renders though. For instance, I see the hair look really aliased with some models. I guess that's just how the source engine deals with transparency or something? It's a shame since the image quality is good otherwise.
I think the person who originally ported the models wasn't able to apply whatever it is that prevents that.
Good of you to make it more well known regarding the soul series on the Gmod medium.

Unfortunate to hear that the source of the models is limited to a small pool.
I've seen these pictures before on deviant and elsewhere. Pretty good (though I dont really care for the tentacles.. lol). There's also some sandbox renders floating around made in XNALara too.

Those are good renders, and drawings too. There's always been some things with bugs me about Gmod renders though.

I agree the color palette and lighting within Gmod is a bit outdated (although I still love Valve games - Half Life 2/Portal/Team Fortress.. etc).

Here's some additional Ivy pictures I made a while back but never got around to sharing them anywhere. The Ivy model is the same GMOD model above but just took away the environment and replaced the 3D environment with a plain background for chroma keying (green screen). Then I imported the screen captures to After Effects, key out background (alpha), and then composited the rest.


The background images are just various screenshots from within the game. The chair is some random object in GMOD I also included here in this test. Final touches to color correction curves, saturation, and hue adjustments to make it blend better.


Adding lens blur can give you even more subtle effect.

Like depth of focus...

and simulated filters, vignetting, etc...

or experiment around with 3D projections, shadows, etc...

create some wallpapers...


and then this funny picture... c'mon I know you must have all have wondered at some point while playing the game...

"Where shall I cut?"
Is there a way to get the source engine to render a screenshot at a higher resolution than what the game is currently using? That should solve the hair problem and generally improve the image quality after you scale it down from the high resolution.

Alternatively, forcing some kind of super sampling AA should also fix the problem.
Is there a way to get the source engine to render a screenshot at a higher resolution than what the game is currently using? That should solve the hair problem and generally improve the image quality after you scale it down from the high resolution.

Alternatively, forcing some kind of super sampling AA should also fix the problem.

At the time I took my pictures, my computer could only go up to 4x anti-aliasing in Gmod. However, I'll be getting a new, more powerful computer soon, so I'm hoping to go up to 16x anti-aliasing once I get everything set up again.

EDIT: I should also point out that Anti-Aliasing pretty much works by rendering what you're seeing at a higher resolution and then shrinking it down, so it's pretty much exactly what you're talking about.
It depends on the type of AA. Super sampling AA works in the way you mentioned, but other variations on AA works in different ways. I think MSAA is the most popular one which blends pixels with specific sub pixels, but for some reason it doesn't affect every part of the rendering (like shaders). Looking at your screenshots, it looks like some kind of AA is applied, but it also looks like it doesn't affect Ivy's hair at all.

If you've got an nVidia card, there's a guide for forcing SGSSAA (a cheaper variant of SSAA) here:

Not completely sure if it'll work with the source engine, but if it does, I imagine it'll substantially increase the image quality.
My new computer has Nvidia, so I should be able to try that once I get it...

EDIT: New one I just made using my new computer, starring Taki. I'm using a smaller screen for now because my normal one is acting up. Also the extra antialiasing doesn't seem to be helping wit the hair. Oh well.

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