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  • How come I never see you in 8wr chat anymore or on SCV?
    Hey Xeph, long time no chat. I'm on very intermittently checking up on any news.

    How's it going for ya?
    Doing well, man. You still play SCV?

    and yeah, saw you post and realized I haven't spoken to you in years, yet you're still posting lol.
    Isn't there a dota thread here?
    I haven't seen one. I barely even play the game anymore, just wanted to commend you on the impressive amount of ABADDONNNN you have on your profile
    Hey, maye too late, but I found a combo that is not posted in the combo section, 66A+B,g, CE, it's hard but it works, it deals 83 dmg, so basically is the best option if you are korean :)
    ok will update. I tried that (not successful) but i know 66A+B g 6BB combos so I figured both are i12.
    Yeah, I got lucky the first time, other wise I would have think is not a combo after so many failed attemps, but now I get it like 4 out of 10 times.
    In that topic, I said voting on the opinions of a clique (referring to the topic regarding this stuff that was made prior to the voting topic). With that being said, I think it's laughable because the list has been further shaved down from even that topic (further reflecting that these changes for the 'community' are just the beliefs of a select few on how the game should be).
    Hello WhHT, I saw that you opened a thread about Clean Hits (Clean Hits : Random bonus for signature moves). I wanted to read it, but I don't know why I don't have any access to it (I don't have the permission to see the page). Can you explain me why is that?
    Thank you for your understanting.
    Way to undercut my serious rallying call post with a hilarious spoof post.

    <3 WuHT
    Mr. Wuht sir. I humbly apologize for last night. I didnt know it was you and I was trying to kick out the 3bar guy and kicked you on accident. But didnt bother to invite you back. My bad homes Im sorry. Thanx for the 8wr tip tho....that was LLLOOOOOLLLL. Hope you forgive me *bows head in shame*
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