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  • Hey. Are you gonna upload a Raphael podcast? or are you gonna wait until TGS is over to review ALL the sc-stuff we get? :D
    I've been pondering that myself. I was originally planning on recording the Raphael podcast yesterday or today but Namco was super slow to make the Raphael assets available on their press site. It's finally available now, but I am a bit tempted to wait a few days to see if there will be any more news.
    So uhh when's the next podcast? I swear they are giving you something to talk about pretty regularly now. You can discuss the potential remaining game modes (try and find a screenshot of the two different builds and try and place what is known to the images on there. Not to mention the rather large chunk of other info.
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    I think I'll wait for some more stuff before the next podcast. I made a new one only two days ago so I wouldn't have much new to say.
    I hadn't realized I was watching your podcasts about SCVI for a while now and I have to say I'm always entertained and intrigued by them! Hopefully you can keep up the work when the game launches.
    Thanks! To be honest, I think I'd run out of stuff to say about SC6 some weeks/months after the game is released, so I'll probably focus the podcast on other topics after that and podcast uploads might become less consistent.
    whats the name of the podcast?
    My youtube channel is called "FluffyQuack". Go there and search for "podcast".
    You guys should make a weekly podcast talking about random stuff now that the game is so near release. They're so fun & entertaining to watch.
    I have a feeling we'd run out of stuff to talk about if we do that, and I might burn out due to the amount of preparation. On average, I spend a couple of hours on every podcast compiling together all of the videos, pictures, and notes. There are a couple of other topics I wanna use for a couple of podcasts to fill in the time when there's little news. I'm not sure what to focus on after SC6 is released though.
    I can believe it.
    I really enjoyed the like, 3 hours I got to try out on the PS3 version so the Steam announcement made me giddy.
    Thankfully, it's a very good port too.
    This was my main fear. Confirms I'll be getting it then as soon as I get some income :D
    Greetings, Sectus. I'm Dee15gon. I've been trying to find a way to extract sounds from the xbox version of Soul Calibur II. Sadly, I have been unable to do so. I've been trying to get a hold of Spawn's voice clips for a while now. I hear you managed to get some of the sounds. I'd like to know how.
    Not sure which utilities I used, but they should be among these: http://static.chronocompendium.com/Zeality/SCIITools.7z (found that link via google, it's the same set of tools I downloaded years ago)

    I don't think I ever figured out the correct sample rate. So I'm not sure if that would become a problem.

    I extracted my sounds from the GC version. I don't know if XBox version would have different file formats.

    What program did you use to extract the SCIV Voice Clips, and do you think it would work for SCV? I've heard they're encrypted in a way making them well, unable to be opened up and listened to.
    If I recall, SC4 uses similar formats as SC2 and SC3 for music. ADX or something. Googling about music for any of those 3 games will probably give you some information. I'd have to dig through files to remember what I used.

    They changed sound formats completely in SC5, and last I checked (which is many months ago now) no one had cracked the format.
    Okay, thanks.
    Hi Sectus, i've been reading a lot of posts as well as watching videos on youtube on modding SC5. But I still can't figure out how to edit 1p or 2p character equipment. For example I would like to remove Hilde's 1p helmet as well as Elysium's 2p mask. Is this possible to do even though the parts are not apart of CaS parts, if so can you help me out in this matter?
    It's been over a year since I've messed around with this, and I just can't remember exactly if that's possible or not. Certain things has to be modified in different ways. It's possible this is only possible by editing model files.
    can you do save edits for the ps3? I looked online but to no avail...
    I don't know.
    I am just sad that there are shit tons of info on save editing sc5 on xbox 360, but no one even touched the ps3 version even though save edit for other ps3 games are widely available.
    Nice Mods - Check out my youtube page sometimes... Lets talk and share info...

    It might be best to start an entirely new thread for information on the game disk. I've deleted over 50 posts now, and there's still more to clean up. Since this sort of thing is your forte, let me know if you want the old thread cleaned or if you just want to start fresh and only copy over relevant discoveries.
    I'm not really bothered one way or the other. There's so little to be found on the disc at this point that the thread probably won't have much on topic discussion anyway. The only thing which remains is going through the DLC files as they get released. Should I still do that in the same thread or another one?
    Hey, ran across your work on SC4, started a small pages on The Cutting Room Floor's wikia with some of the info (well, just the Narrator's unused samples currently). Since you've treaded this ground a lot more than I have, figured it'd be better to toss you the link, in case you wanted to be the one to add anything else:
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    Thanks, although I'm way too lazy to go through the voices again and add it to any site. Only thing I recall is that the shopping dialogue for every character is unused.
    How easy is it to change? Is it always the same specific bytes?
    No, because I believe that when you create a character, different items and names add bytes to the save.
    Basically way above the character name in the save file is the data that is related to the character, then there is a sneaky byte hidden in between the code related to clothing.
    The thing is, you need to change both (Fighting Style + Weapon Selection).
    The first one is easy to find because the bytes above the character all follow a pattern. Then you have to search for the characters byte (they follow the model list you posted on Xentax - Mits = 00, Taki = 01, Voldo = 02 etc) until you find some bytes in between the character and their name, its complicated but I change about 3 before I'm sure I got the right byte.
    SECTUS! Do you remember me? Gradon? I used to talk to you about the RE5 modding on the XBox 360.
    I want to get into contact with you about SCV modding, are you able to contact me via Facebook or through this?
    Thank you Sectus! You're a big asset to modding haha, thank you very much! :D :)
    About Saveediting, a guy on YouTube created a program called SC4CCEDIT which let you replace characters movesets with anothers without any graphical glitches / moveset glitches, he achieved this through save hacking. I believe there is a value that changes the moveset, but I am unable to pinpoint where that is, so im trying to work on it atm to see what I can do with it
    SC4CCEDIT is obviously for SC4, btw, sorry for three posts.
    Yeah, I've heard about that program. Someone on this forum has tried to do save editing with SC5, but it sounds like parts which contains CAS data is encrypted or compressed. And yeah, I simply replaced motion/human files from SC4. The only tricky part is recreating the cpk files.
    Before you leave, I would like to thank you for reminding me what's wrong with some of this site's members/staff (whether you meant to or not). 7_7
    Howdy there. I was looking through the topic about people messing with disc info stuff, and I noticed you posted your accidentally naked Pyrrha.

    not that i'm into that sort of thing of course but if i were trying to find that with no censor bar where would i look

    not that i care
    You'd probably find related stuff by just googling soul calibur 5 nude mod. Not that anyone cares though I suppose.
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