Amy broken ?

can i ask a stupid question here? If X HAS to grab, doesn't that mean she's putting you in a guessing game?

I mean you have to GUESS that she is going to throw you, by either ducking or which throw are you going to break....

Trust me man...i'm just trying to understand your logic in that statement.... :sc4amy1:
grabbing first of all is unsafe (I know, so is Amy's 2B+K and 1A) cause it can be ducked, and secondly can be broken even if the opponent didn't guess to duck, so you have to have two things going right for you to pull it off. It's not like a regular mixup cause it ain't as good, but there's only 2 characters in the game that don't have to base their game heavily on grabbing; Amy and Mitsu. Luckily for X, she could/can low grab, but not as good as Cass, and the 2 factors still apply.

With Amy 2B+K, you're either ducking or you're not. Simple logic, just think.
no, my posts are logical, I just don't baby feed my posts normally, I leave it up to yall to INTERPRET, but very few people on this board seem to be able to do that; it's very easy, give it a try.
i like your posts they are entertaining

and secondly can be broken even if the opponent didn't guess to duck, so you have to have two things going right for you to pull it off.

notice how i put emphasis on that word right there? Meaning that the opponet STILL has to guess.

My logic is simple sir, yours isn't. Because if that was the case and a throw IS in fact broken, who's at +frames? no one. Spacing is equal. So's NOT completly unsafe, but it's not entirely safe either. The whole point of your previous post was that Amy need to put you into a guessing game all the time, yet you say that amy has to make you throw. Which in fact contradicts yourself because you're also saying throw doesn't make you guess. Which goes back to my orginal question, that you failed to answer...'re doing this to yourself...but it's ok, i still love you. :D
"Amy puts you in guessing games all the time, X does not. X HAS to grab alot at high level, Amy does not."

You're talking about this, but these are two seperate sentences, not completely related. I woulda worded it differently if I was relating them.
Man...i just wish i was looking at your face everytime you reply to me....i would shed a tear and smile ear to ear :)

come on man...don't be all butthurt about i said from the get-go, i'm just giving you a hard time.
not butthurt, u just seemed not to understand what I was saying, like many others here, so I was explaining. X can't do anything to you when you're on the ground (1BB doesn't exactly count, neither does rising A+B/FC 3B).
not butthurt, u just seemed not to understand what I was saying, like many others here, so I was explaining. X can't do anything to you when you're on the ground (1BB doesn't exactly count, neither does rising A+B/FC 3B).

66K, 1B, 1BB, 2K, 2A+K~K, FC3B, 3B, WR K, 44K

yup....she can't do anything while you're on the ground XD

if you want, i can name more :D
I think the word broken should be banned from SC members until they know how to use it. Then maybe this retarded argument between you to would be irrelevant.

Sword Lord:

Tell all the ATL heavy hitters to get their asses back in this game.
Algol hurt ATL, then SF4 hurt ATL some more, then Hilde pretty much crushed the scene, and in a couple days when Tekken6 comes out, they'll forget about the game entirely. I'll come in, "You guys wanna play some Soul Calibur?". Big Boi: "Soul Calibur? Hell naw, that broke ass shit..just get on this Tekken and pick up Yoshimitsu nigga".
I would travel to tourneys and stop bullshitting around using every character but my mains in casuals, but I feel similar to how Wingzero, JTO, Clint, and Big Boi do. They don't like Amy either, just don't hate her as much as I do.
Yeah the release of TK6 like u just mentioned above is gonna demolish it even more. Shit even I'm gonna prioritize TK6 over SC4. Super Street Fighter 4 ain't gonna help the scene for SC4 either. The game is for the most part dead over here in the states. Less and less people seem to show up for all the SC tournaments in general. I can't believe it but this community really did get crushed by Hilde as a character. That's the first time I have ever seen anything like that for a fighting game.

NorCal = No scene which used to have like 30-40 people.
ATL = No scene which was home to a powerhouse community as well. I hear Final Round dropped SC4 as well.
General Scenes = Less and less people little by little and that includes the tri-state etc.

Well I will probably run into all of you ATL folks for TK6 so look out and I think i'm gonna attempt to get back into SFIV on a serious level cause the scene for that game is unheard of. Tell JTO I need him to teach me some strats.
Hilde did not crush the SC community. ITS all the weak-ass-whining-complaining-Dont-Know-How-To-Deal-With-Shyt-tiers-Own-Me-For-FREE useless ass retards. Who run away from the game when they find something they can't deal with, all tell all their friends to stop playing. If it wasn't Hilde its Amy. If not Amy Kilik. If not Kilik...Voldo??

Anyways. T6 will revive the fighting scene community then destroy it instantly.

Man I look at my list of PSN BB.....all came back to Soul Cal.

In a couple of weeks....TEKKEN 6.....and then back to soul cal....when they realize Tekken is stale.
S-U: Dont forget SoCal ... well, what did you expect... It is really a pity. Aside from Hilde this game is very good.
What Dino says is true, most people come back to SC but there are those who stay with the new game and since T6 and SF will coming out the community will shrink even more. Unless SC gets something big soon the scene will pretty much just dwindle down to the hardcore fans. Just my 2 cents.

Also amy isn't broken just 2B+K :p
Dino: +2 (ban hilde!!!!!)

SU: come on mean to tell me watchin that little debate wasn't fun? NOT JUST ONE BIT?!?!?!?! *sigh* guess i have to try harder...

Jeuce: X's stances are broken :P [/sarcasm]