[Arizona] AZ and friends!

lol I didn't go cause I knew that would happen. no point beating random scrubs with the only competition being the people you play every week without an entry fee.
Just wanted to confirm to all that tonight is a go, just got off the phone with josh, usual times 4pm-10pm. wouldnt hurt to bring a little soda, maybe a 2 liter as we will all go through some liquids. josh usually has snacks and drinks, but I think we should also chip in so its not 100% his cost. this is by no means required, so if you cant afford it then no sweat, but if you can afford it, it would be appreciated.

hit me up at 602-687-2116 if you need directions.

david-thanks for those matches last night :sc4ivy1:
Good games tonight guys, although the true winner was the chinese place.

Brian-your yoshi is getting much better, I like the way your spamming your majin(sp?) fist and mixing it up, also I liked your yoshi set-ups. I only got to play you once i think, but I was watching alot of your matches.

Ryan-man, cass is a problem. she's just so safe, I'm gonna have a hard time with ivy as she doesnt have any good punishers really. the best I could think of is to try and abuse the a throw and take advantage of your buffer, then hopefully youll start ducking, then launch city. But I still need you to be unsafe which is the trouble. good shit.

David-hilde is an even bigger problem. I dont know what to do against her. I was trying to wait for your charge A then step your B and launch, but easier said than done. I did notice one thing, I think I got you ducking, you did duck alot. I wasnt abusing your ducking though. your hilde is solid man, I need to find a way, or just pick another damn char. I really enjoyed those voldo match-ups, we had some good shit going, reminded me of the old SC2 days. bottom line, until I can learn how to beat hilde, you will be a threat tourney wise.

mitsulegend? I think that was you, good games man, if you can make our sunday gatherings, we could use a mitsu to play against. we can get 2 set ups going with that many people. we can step each others game up if we keep these consistent, although next sunday is super bowl..
mitsulegend? I think that was you, good games man, if you can make our sunday gatherings, we could use a mitsu to play against. we can get 2 set ups going with that many people. we can step each others game up if we keep these consistent, although next sunday is super bowl..

Nah - that was me (Kuroishinzo) aka Kelby and yea, I look forward to showing up for some more Sunday games. I will probably bring my cousin with me again too.

A friend of mine is also interested in learning to play SC4 and I am trying to get him to come and play. He is extremely good at SF2T and has a good mindset for fighting games in general so I expect he will do very well. He is currently playing Sophitia as his main, doesn't have a second really I think.

Also, Superbowl
I would definitely be willing to play games after the super bowl if possible

Good games guys. I look forward to playing and learning more.
Good games to everyone yesterday. I definitely feel as though I've powered up since CR, I just need to play keep out a little better and work on iMCF (Manji Fist) stamina. Although I doubt I'll be playing for 4 hours straight at a tournament so I may be okay in that department.


We can bring SC4 to that tournament on Saturday in place of a Sunday gathering (since it's the Super Bowl). I'll be at the WI regional the weekend after the Super Bowl, and the SD regional is the weekend after that. So this would be a good chance to get some practice in before those.
We can bring SC4 to that tournament on Saturday in place of a Sunday gathering....

Yea, that would probably be the safest bet for most. Unfortunately for me, I will likely have to work Saturday. We have a HUGE deadline to meet at work and 60 hour weeks just isn't cutting it.

(lol @ powerlvl)
that link appears to be broke, i wll try and find that tourney on SRK.

edit* scratch that, looks like SRK is down, will try the link again later.
So what's the plan for the tournament on Saturday. We can definitely bring a SC4 setup, but I only have the 360 version and we should probably stick to the PS3 version. The tournament starts at 3pm, but we can run SC4 whenever. Who's in and who can bring a PS3?

:: looks at Dave ::
I have a high % chance of having to work this Saturday. I will show up if I can but I would not rely on my being there.
i think dave works saturdays...hmm what is this tournament you speak of anyway?

i got a spawn toy to donate for first place
I'm gonna try and make it for CVS2...got an appnt with my real estate agent at 2:00, gonna look at a house, but after that I should be good. id also enter SC4 side tourney as well.
Kuroishinzo... What time do you get off of work?

I get off work when I finish writing the last course that I have to do for this development. It only consists of 2 lessons, and the information should be readily available. It really depends on what time I come in (which is directly related to how late I stay at work tonight) and how quickly I can get the current course done. I guess the short answer would be "I'm not sure" lol.

(Are we playing after the Super Bowl on Sunday?)
i think dave works saturdays...hmm what is this tournament you speak of anyway?

i got a spawn toy to donate for first place

Are you rolling to the tournament lobo? Do we know if Dave is rolling?

I can bring my game, but my 360 is too much of a pain to unhook and hook it back up. If worse comes to worse we can just use one of the 360s there and my game. We should be playing on PS3 though.