[Aug 24, 2012] EBO (East Brandenburg Open) (Wriezen, Brandenburg)

Hmmm, would be a pity if it was the only UK major this year.
And what's the matter with SVB this year? No SC5?
No word from Trace yet?

I guess I will have to go to Spain and drag him myself to Germany.
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Hmmm, would be a pity if it was the only UK major this year.
And what's the matter with SVB this year? No SC5?
Just no SVB. Each year it takes a lot of effort to put on but gets a lot of flak from the FG community. It tends to overrun, sometimes quite badly. The staff don't get much back for the work they put in, which makes them often quite unapologetic when things go wrong. This means that even though it's the FG highlight of the year over here, it doesn't always feel 100% worth it to those involved.

Last year was especially hard because it occured shortly after the London riots. This meant many international players and sponsors pulled out at the last minute, contributing to a much smaller turnout, and a dampened atmosphere. This was made worse by the fact that they had repeated power failures, which cut matches during play over and over and threatened to ruin the event (though luckily, no huge on-stage matches were cut afaik).

This made it a bad one for the organisers, and many have split off to form their own groups. The Neo Empire guys who remain have been quiet, and with the summer coming now, I doubt they will announce SVB out of the blue. Something like that needs a lot of planning and promoting. I'm not saying it won't happen, but it doesn't look likely atm.
Oh, I had no idea things look that bad. I would have come to SVB, if it had been announced (except on the Ebo-weekend).

And to everyone else whose national flag is not in the first post: Don't be shy. If you want to come I will add one extra for you.
Will there be any prizes for lucky losers? I want that Blood Vengeance t-shirt badly but I suck at SCV.
I was playing Xianghua back then + abused VC.
Then SCIV era began. I didn't like the game and hardly played it, while Ring kept owning with Ivy. Now I'm trying to get back but it's really hard. I managed to win against Ring in the last tournament's WB final but he played Viola so that doesn't count.
Oh, I had no idea things look that bad. I would have come to SVB, if it had been announced (except on the Ebo-weekend).

And to everyone else whose national flag is not in the first post: Don't be shy. If you want to come I will add one extra for you.

Actually SVB will be happening, just later on in the year. Whether SC5 will be in the line up isn't for sure, but we have a player who's friends with the organisers :-)
I'm considering coming as well...
Let's see what this is gonna cost me before booking my travel. :)
I'm not bringing a Orange army of fans though... :P
I've just checked, it will be around the 120 to go to berlin. Not sure how much it costs from Berlin to Wriezen though because the german bahn website isn't telling. XD.

I think I can safely say that it's 95% chance of me being there.
I've just checked, it will be around the 120 to go to berlin. Not sure how much it costs from Berlin to Wriezen though because the german bahn website isn't telling. XD.

I think I can safely say that it's 95% chance of me being there.

Berlin to Wriezen is about 6 Euros. Please check the news about hotel, non-hotel etc. And bring some weed.

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